50 { Cheater }

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"So are you going to fire her?" I asked Christopher for the 100th time.

"I don't know , why should I?" He asked again.

"Because I don't feel comfortable wit her being around our son." I answered.

"Mmhm, I'll see. Because it's not like I can just easily drop her and find a new Nanny." He said. "Who's going to watch him when I'm in the studio wit my boys?"

"His damn daddy!"

"While I smoking! I don't want my kid around that shit." He fussed.

"Whateva'." I said.

"This is the exact reason why he needs his mommy and daddy to be together." I looked up at him from my phone seeing him with the biggest grin on his face.

"Too bad they're not." I got up and walked to the kitchen hoping to find something to eat. "Damn you brought no snacks or nothing." I said and closed the door turning around and bumped right into Christopher. "Why are you sneaking up on me like that?!" I laughed playfully pushing his chest.

"I been waiting to do this Teyana." He said and smashed his lips into mine. I tried pushing him back but he held my arms behind my back continuing to kiss me. "Kiss me back Tey." He said between the kiss and grabbed my ass.

I hesitated at first but ended up kissing him back. Lord knows how much I've been missing his sweet lips like crazy.

Christopher picked me up sitting me on the marble counter.

I pulled away from the kiss.

"I-I gotta go.." I said getting down and wiping my lips. I walked back to the living room grabbing my jacket.

"Don't go.." Chris said coming behind me. "I need you Teyana. Right now. This can be our little secret." He said against my neck kissing it. I closed my eyes putting my jacket back down.

"Okay but we can't tell anyone." I said turning around.

"I won't baby." He picked me up and I laughed. Christopher carried me to the bed laying me down and we got undressed.

I'm going regret this but hell with it.


Vincet and I walked back to our room. While waiting for Vinny to open our door, I heard moaning coming from Christopher's room.

I frowned.

"Hollup Vincet , do you hea' that?" I asked Vincet.

He looked at me and listened. He walked to the door putting his ear to it.

"Oh shit. My dude getting it in! You think its that Rosa chick?"

"I dont know. I thought she -"

"Fuck Teyana! Just like that baby!" Christopher yelled.

My mouth dropped and so did Vincet's.

"Oh my God.." I whispered.

"Excuse me.."

I jumped and so did Vincent. We turned around seeing an older woman and man behind us.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you two trying to see what that couple is doing in there?" She asked.

"Mind yours!" I yelled in her face and Vincent and I walked around them going into our room.

I couldn't believe what I just heard.

My bitch was getting it in with Christopher!! AYEE BITCH! That's my girl! 😛

"What should we do?" I asked Vincent.

"Fuck you mean what should we do? We act like we neva' heard the shit." He laughed .

"Baby I feel like this is gonna have a bad ending.. What if Teyana gets pregnant?"

Vincent laughed again.

"Baby your thinking too much on shit that's not even your business. If she gets pregnant, that's her problem. I knew they was gonna fuck at some point though. They can't get enough of each other."

I nodded in agreement.

I love my girl Teyana but she needs to choose between Terrence and Christopher. I know she loves Terrence, but I honestly feel like she loves Christopher more.

I actually want Christopher annoying ass and Teyana to be together so he can stop mopping around.

I hope she's just doing the right thing because Terrence is a crazy dude. He been like that since highschool. He's also hella protective.

* * *

"How about we have our fun too?" Vincent smirked grabbing my arm and pulling me in his lap.

"Of course. We haven't had our morning sex this morning anyway." I smiled.


Teyana Teyana Teyana ... You Done Fucked Up Now My Girl. 😭

Do You Think Teyana Still Have Those Deep Feelings For Christopher?

Will Teyana Leave Terrence For Christopher?

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