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The Next Day ..


I looked around seeing myself in a hospital bed. I glanced over seeing my mama sitting in the chair and my dad standing beside her. Neither one of them looked happy to see me.

"Boy have you lost your damn mind?" My mama started.

"We raised you better than this Devon. I understand of Teyana would've liked it, but you raped her. I'm highly disappointed in you son. I really am." My dad said.

"I'm .. sorry. I really -"

"Sorry my ass! Christopher is sitting in jail right now because of your ass!" I rolled my eyes.


"THAT'S A DAMN LIE! WE LOVE BOTH OF Y'ALL THE SAME AMOUNT!" My mom yelled standing up.

"Ever since Christopher and Teyana had Cj, it's been all about him. Y'all barely even call me. If I don't call first, I won't get a phonecall." My parents stayed quiet because they knew what I was saying was fucking true. "That's good his ass in jail. I hope he never gets out."

"Oh Lord.." My mom said shaking her head.

Christopher always got more shit than me. I knew my parents loved him more than me but it was cool.

He better not forget who made his ass anyways. I understand he was mad and shit at me but to shoot me and put me in the hospital?

Really nigga?

If he thinks this is going to stop me, he got another thing coming. I want my revenge, and I'm going to get my revenge. If that means, shooting and killing a few people, then so be it.

Teyana, she ain't safe either.


I sat at the table waiting do Brian to come. I texted Brian on Instagram asking him to meet up so I can thank him for coming and help save me.

I have a few security guards around just because for one, paparazzi, and for two, because the last time I seen Brian, he punched me in my face. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about seeing him again.

• •

"Cj stop touching." I told Cj taking the napkin out his little hand. He screamed. "You want this?" I held my hand up above his hand and he glared at me.

I laughed because he looked just like Christopher when he does that.

"Teyana?" I looked up seeing Brian approaching the table. I grinned standing up and greeted him with a nice friendly hug.

"Hey, thanks for meeting up with me." I sat back down amd put the little spoon of mashed potatoes in Cj's mouth.

"No problem. This your son?" He asked looking at Cj in the highchair.

"Yea. He might cause a little ruckus, I'm sorry if he does and cause a scene. He's teething and his mood swings are out of this world." I wiped the corners of Cj's mouth and he looked at Brian.

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