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Tonight is Anthony's party and I'm super excited. Today Makayla and I are going shopping and get our nails done since we didn't go the last time we said we were going.

Terrence's Mother agreed to watching Cj for the night. I am thankful for that. I already told Christopher about it and surprisingly, he understood.

Speaking of Christopher, ever since we had in his hotel room a day ago, I've been wanting more.

Terrence and I continue to have sex but its not the same sex like with Christopher. Chris is more gentle and rough at the same time but Terrence js 100% thug rough.

I love that feeling but Christopher makes me feel more better.

When we would all be around each other, I try to keep as much distance I can away from Chris and try to focus on Terrence.

* * * *

"Baby I'm bouta leave. Your good with Cj, right?" I asked Terrence kissing Cj's chunky cheeks.

"Yeah we good. Tell em' buddy. We alright." He said taking Cj out my arms. Cj laid his head on Terrence's chest. "Lemme know when y'all get thea'." He said leaning in and kissed me. I kissed him back.

"Sure will. I love you guys." I said walking to the door.

"Love you too." I opened the door and seen Christopher standing by his door talking to one of the workers here.

She was twirling her head like she was a white girl leaning against the wall laughing.

They looked at us and Christopher looked at me.

"Hi.." I simply said.

"Sup.." He said. The girl cleared her throat.

"I'll see you around." She told Chris and walked down the hall finishing her work.

Broke ass hoe.

"I should be back round 4 maybe." I told Terrence. "Cj be good for Terry." I said.

He cheesed at me and I laughed kissing him again.

"Be safe." Terrence said. I nodded walking past Christopher and walked to the elevator.

I waited patiently until it opened and allowed the people before me to come out. After, I got on and seen Christopher running hopping in right before it closed.

I stood off to the side in the corner crossing my arms over my chest.

"You look good today." He said breaking the silence.

"Thank you." I said back.

He grabbed my hand and I moved it back.

"Whatchu' being like that for?" He asked.

"Don't you have a hotel hoe to attend to?" I asked smartly. He bust out laughing.

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