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The Next Day..

{ Teyana }

"Cj say Ma-Ma." I cooed sitting him in my lap. He looked at me then grabbed my lip.

"DaaaDa!" He screamed.

"No baby, Ma-Ma. Look, Mmmma Mmmmaa." I teached him. He started laughing touching my mouth again. I wiped his mouth with my finger.

"Still teaching him?" I looked back seeing Christopher coming in the living room with a plate of food.

"He isn't cooperating with me." I said looking back at Cj.

"He'll come around." Christopher said looking at Cj. "How did you sleep with that on your finger?"

He grabbed my hand kissing it.

"I slept pretty good actually. I woke up to it glistening in my face from the Sun though." I laughed saying.

"It looks good on your finger too." He smirked.

"Thank you baby." I smiled looking at Cj. He was nibbling on his fingers. "My baby is 1 years old! Slow downn!!" I whined.

Cj reached for Christopher and he happily took him. He looked at Chris's plate and spit out his pacifier.

"Here with ya lil greedy ass," Chris put a piece of BBQ weenie in Cj's mouth. He started groaning and bouncing.

"Don't talk about my baby like that." I said.

"He's getting chunky." Chris said touching Cj's legs. Cj looked at him

"So what? He's adorable with his chunky self. My baby is the cutest chunky baby ever!" I cooed kissing Cj and he smiled.

"He's defiantly gonna be playing sports by the time he's 4 or 5 years old." I rolled my eyes laying back on the couch looking at the T.V.

My phone started ringing. "Get that for me." I told Chris.

He sat Baby Cj between us answering my phone.

"Wassup .. This Chris .. Why you worrying about what my fiance doing bro? .. Yeah yeah whatever, I'm deleting your number out of Teyana's phone so don't worry about it. Goodbye."

I laughed watching him hang up the phone already knowing who it was that called.


"What was that about?"

"Nigga got mad because I said you was my fiance. Ain't my fault you marrying the love of your life. Nigga Move On." He said. He was tapping on my phone.

I'm guessing to delete Chalres's number.

"I'll call him later and -"

"No the fuck you not." Christopher said cutting me off. I looked at him.

"Who are you to tell me who to call? I was just going to call him to -"

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