77 { The Truth Comes Out! }

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{ I Want To Say This Now , I Don't Know Shit About Court ( Ima Good Girl 😏👑). So This Will Be Pretty Weird How This Court Day Will Play Out. 😂 Just Bare Wimme! }

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3 Days Later ( Chris's Court Day ) ..

{ Teyana }

I watched as the cops walked Chris in the courtroom. People immediately started mumbling stuff.

I looked back mugging at some of them. I don't care if they were talking about nice stuff or mean, I just  suspected they were talking bad about my man, and I wasn't for it.

"Girl, turn your ass around, Messy ass." Makayla whispered lowly laughing at me.

I sighed. "DADAAADADAAADADAAA!" CJ yelled out the blue bouncing in Mr. Lawrence's lap clapping his hand. Everyone looked laughing at my baby boy. I even laughed. He's so funny at times.

"Adorable." Some people said. I looked at Chris and I looked at me. I blew a kiss at him smiling and he smirked.

"I love you." He mouthed. I mouthed it back and they sat him right infront of us.

This was where we always sat. Right behind Christopher. That way he knew he had his supporters.

It was me, Cj, Makayla, Vincent, Mama Tee, and Mr. Lawrence.

I haven't heard anything about Devon. But from what Mama Tee told me, "he's healing". I don't care if he's healing or not. I wished his ass would've died from the gunshot.

"Would everyone please rise.." The officer said. Everyone stood up and the judge walked in. I couldn't stand his ugly fat ass.

He didn't give a fuck about anyone and just wanted to put people in jail.

"You may be seated." Everyone sat.

I sighed watching. "Well, we're back with the case between the brothers. Where do I even start?" He asked looking at Chris and his lawyer, Chance. "Actually wait, before we even start, where is the victim?" He asked looking around at his officers.

"YOUR HONOR, SORRY WE'RE LATE!" The doors flew open. Devon and his lawyer walked inside. A chick walked in behind them pushing Devon's wheelchair. I think he's going to be in there for a good 3-4 weeks.

I sighed.

"Your lucky. Sit and let's get this over with,"

• •

"So as you all know, the consequences for this whole incident is 2-3 years in prison." The judge started looking at the paper. I glanced across the room seeing Devon and the girl smirking at us.

I cocked my head to the side wideing my eyes.

"Boo!" I mouthed.

"Get ready to say bye." He mouthed. I laughed shaking my head. I can't wait to see the look on their faces when Chris gets released.

"Don't even waste your time looking over there." Mama Tee whispered tapping my thigh.

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