33 { Forever Daddy }

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That Evening..

- Teyana -

"Omg Terrence stoppp!!" I giggled covering my face. Terrence laughed grabbing my ankles and pulled me to the end of the bed.

"Why should I?" He asked and continued tickling me.

I screamed, "BECAUSE!" I yelled. "Terrence I have to pee!!" I screamed and he laughed kissing my cheek.

"Ahh, DaDaa!!" Cj yelled. I looked up at Cj sitting in the middle of some pillows. Yes my baby is sitting up by himself. He was taught to hold his bottle and sit up by himself early. I've been trying to get him to say Mama before he could say DaDa but Christopher beat me to it. .

"See, my baby says stopp." I said looking back at Terrence. Terrence looked at Cj then back at me.

"You lucky you cute," He said and got off of me. "Come here lil man." Terrence said picking up Cj and kissed his cheek.

They were so cute to me. Terrence loved Cj and Cj actually loved Terrence.

Ding Dong!

Terrence and I walked downstairs. I stood on my tippy toes and looked in the peep hole seeing Christopher waiting on the other side.

I opened the door letting him in.

- Christopher -

I went to Teyana's house going pick up Chris Jr. I couldn't wait. I been missing my son all week. I only get him on weekends so when he leaves, I miss him like crazy.

But with me in the music industry now and having all these shows, traveling and everything, it's hard to even see my son sometimes.

When I do, I try to give him the world and when he gets older, it'll stay that way. I'll give shit I never had when I was young.

* * *

I knocked on the door waiting patiently. The door opened and Teyana was on the other side. My body roamed her body up and down. She was wearing a grey half shirt, and some black tights. Baby girl was fine as fuck.

Cj gave Teyana a whole new body. She has a whole new body. More curves and all. Like damn. I'm glad I impregnated that ass now. She was beautiful before but now, shit!

Everytime I see this woman, I regret cheating on her. It was a huge mistake. I was high, feeling good as fuck, and got caught up with a groupie.

I knows she back talking with that nigga from New Orleans and from the last time I talked to his ass, I know he trys to come onto my woman. But that's not going to happen. Ever! If I have to kill his then so be it. 

* * * 

"You look good," I complimented.

She grinned, "Thanks. You can come in, he's just getting dressed." She said stepping to the side.

"Oh cool then where i -" I looked over at the couch seeing this nigga putting my son's shirt on. Cj was crying and trying to move Terrence's hand. "Aye man what the fuck you doing to my son?!" I yelled at him and he looked at me.

"CHRISTOPHER!" I heard Teyana yell behind me.

I walked to the couch taking Cj out Terrence's lap and kissed my forehead wiping his eyes. He rubbed his nose with his fat hand then looked at me.

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