40 { Hell Nah }

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After picking out a few stuff from Chanel , I went to Polo for my baby Cj.

"Baby keep up." I giggled recording Terrence as he was holding my bags.

"Teyana I'm damn tired. It's been 3 hours and we done been through just about all these damn stores in here. Aren't you tired?" He whined.

"Nope. Not one bit." I laughed and he groaned. "Don't worry. Let's just get this stuff for Cj, and then we'll go eat and go home." I said.

"Yeah hurry up too." He said. I rolled my eyes continuing to walk.

One thing about Terrence, he can be a asshole sometimes. Especially at a time like this because he's " exhausted ".

He obviously isn't use to shopping. I was a stripper making bandz, shopping was all a bitch did when I made a good 10k.

"TEYANA!" I turned around seeing Makayla and Vincet.

I squealed running to my bitch and we hugged.

"Omg girl you look cuteee!!" I said complimenting her outfit.

"You know , you know!" She said and i laughed. She looked at Terrence then back at me.

"Wassup man?" Vincent told Terrence and they dapped.

"Wassup ," He said.

"So .. what's the status here? I'm starting to feel a relationship going on." She smirked.

I blushed, "That's because it is." Terrence answered and Makayla smiled.

"Aweee, how cuteee!! I knew one day you two were going to be together. But have you seen Christopher?" She asked.

"No, why?"

"He's around here with Cj and some girl. They look like a lil family and all girl but she ain't got nothing on you."

I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

"Girl I'm not even worried about Christopher. He wants me, but I don't want him because I am with my new boo." I said nudging Terrence and he smirked.

Vincet laughed. "Don't be surprised if -"

"Teyana?" I turned around seeing the hoe himself, Christopher.

"Oh, Hello Chris." I said and seen my baby Cj. "Hi Mommy's babyy!!" I cooed taking him from Christopher.

He smiled running his nose.

"He has a little cold. I gave him some medicine though," He said rubbing Cj's back. I kissed his forehead.

"Awee, my baby swick." I said.

I noticed Chris look at Terrence. They exchanged some glares and everything. Look like they both wanted to kill each other.

It got quiet and awkward.

"So Teyana you heard about Anthony having his birthday party this Wednesday?" Makayla asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah I was telling her about it. We getting tickets Sunday , y'all going?" Terrence asked them.

"Yeah we going." Vincet answered.

"Wait y'all going to Louisiana?"Chris asked.

"Yeah." I answered looking at him. He frowned looking at me.

"Teyana I thought we were going to Louisiana together? Me , you , and Cj."

I laughed looking at Terrence and so did he.

"You probably didn't get the memo yet but uh ... Teyana not going with no other dude anywhere buddy. So , nice try." Terrence said.

"Uh-Oh.." Vincet and Makayla said in a union.

"Fuck you mean nigga? Just because you shopping with her nigga, don't feel special." Christopher laughed saying.

Terrence laughed even more.

"Noo bro, the shots on you! I am special to her now bro, she mines." Terrence wrapped his arm around my waist.

I looked away at the stores feeling Christopher burning his eyes into my skin.

"Baby come on," A familiar voice said.

"Baby?" I asked.

The girl walked up to the group. My mouth dropepd seeing who it was.

"Brittney?" Terrence and I said.


Christopher && Teyana..

Christopher && Terrence..

Brittney && Christopher..

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