88 { The Next Level }

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{ Teyana }

Getting back in the house, I walked upstairs going check on Cj. I walked to his bedroom seeing Christopher picking him up.

"Chris what are you doing?!" I yelled above a whisper. He kissed Cj and laid him on his chest walking out the bedroom passing me. "Chris I told you not to -"

"Teyana just go back downstairs with your lil boy toy!" Chris said laying Cj on the bed.

"Jealous people, I swear." I turned around walking out the bedroom. This nigga aggravating as fuck.

"Jealous? Wasn't you just jealous of Bernice?" Christopher asked following me out into the hallway.

"Jealous of Bernice?! For what?!! She's just a walking plastic body! She's nothing compared to me! I don't have to fuck niggas to talk to them!" I yelled at Chris. He always thinks I'm jealous of his lil bitches.

"Can't tell. You look like you wanted to piss ya fucking pants when she said we were dating," Chris smirked.

"Nigga whatever. I don't have time for you or Bernice. If anything, your clearly jealous of Charles. For what? I don't know. We're not messing around or dating. We're just friends."

"I don't give a fuck Teyana! That nigga can't love you like I love you and you know that! He's just doing this to get under my skin!"

"Christopher your delusional!"

"He told me for himself Teyana!" He yelled.


"Lower ya damm voice Tey, I'm not playing." I rolled my eyes looking away. "Like I was saying, in the tent where Cj's presents are. When I was aksing him about yall and everything, he said just for that, he was going to try to make you his before I can."

He explained. I looked out the window trying to process what he was saying.

I don't want to believe Christopher, but what if he is telling the truth?

If he is, it would be like Chalres was using me to make Christopher mad. I most definitely gonna have to talk to Charles about this.

_ _

"You believe me?" Chris asked stepping closer to me snapping me out my thoughts.

"Chris ..  I-I-I don't know. I'm trying to - ugh this is so annoying!" I ran my hand through my hair.

"Hey!" Chris and I looked back seeing Mama tee, Makayla, and Amber.

"Oh, hey guys." I said.

"Hey my ass, everybody is looking for y'all!" Amber said.

"Yeah, people want cake and shit and the petting zoo people are ready to leave and be paid," Makayla added.

"Oh shit. Lemme go pay em," Christopher walked past everybody and down the stairs.

"We'll meet y'all outside." Makayla said and her and Amber walked downstairs.

"Where's my grandbaby?" Mama Tee asked.

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