9 { Whipped }

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I looked up at Teyana and then looked at my milkshake. I feel bad because I wasn't there to protect her.

"I know it's ugly Christopher but can you not stare?" I looked away at the road.

"Aight, I'm sorry." I laughed a little saying driving out the parking lot.

Getting back to Teyana's apartment, I opened the door for her and she walked inside.

"So y'all go get Dairy Queen and - OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!!" Makayla jumped out Vincet's lap and rushed over to Teyana. I closed the door nd locked it.

"Aye man what happened to Teyana?" Vincet asked pushing me a little.

"Some tall dude with tattoos did this today in the bathroom at the restaurant." I explained.

"Baby who did this to you?" Teyana was still crying.

"B-Brian.." She answered and Makayla's eyes widened.

"WHAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING?!" She yelled looking at me.

"I DIDN'T KNOW! She was going to the bathroom and  then I seen that nigga go the bathroom halls too. He came back rubbing his face and then Teyana called me and and told me what happened. I wanted to beat his ass right then and there but she stopped me."

"Teyana why you didn't let him beat his ass? And what happened in there?" We all sat on the couch. I pulled Teyana in my lap and she laid her head on my chest.

"Here sis, put this on your eye." Vincet handed her a ice pack. I rubbed her back.

"Brian was mad because I didn't go on that date with him Friday, instead I went with Christopher because I felt more connected to him ," She started. That made me happy inside. "So today Brian seen me and Chris at the restaurant and I guess got mad but he had a whole chick with him the whole time." She rolled her eyes saying.

"He been watching us the whole damn time we were eating." I added and Teyana nodded.

"And so I went to the bathroom because I had to pee and I was a little uncomfortable so I went to the bathroom. Did my business, blah blah blah and when I walked out, I bumped right into him. I don't know how I didn't hear him come in. He called me out my name and so I slapped his ass in the face. He then slapped me then grabbed my hair and then punched me which explains this black eye and told me that he's coming for me and that I will be his." She started crying again.

Just sitting here listening to her explain all this make me mad. I just want to find that bitch ass nigga and kill his ass.

"I'm sorry boo." Makayla said. Teyana sniffed and yawned.

"Can you take me to my bed? I want to just sleep for the rest of the day." She said. I nodddd and she stood up. I carried her upstairs to her bedorom laying her in her bed. "Can you lay with me too? I want to go hold me."

I smiled getting in the bed taking off my shirt and shoes just leaving myself in my shorts. Teyana snuggled close to me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and kissed her forehead taking in the sweet smell of her hair.

I literally just met this woman couple days ago, just got to know her last night, and I already am falling for her.

I never caught feelings for a woman this fast. Teyana was something different. That nigga Brian got it coming for him though.

I don't know what they're lil past is together but whatever it is, it's over. I'm going to make Teyana mine and be her protector.

After Teyana was in her deep sleep, I snug from under her and went downstairs. I smelled weed as soon as I hit the hallway.

I turned the corner walking downstairs and seen Vincet on the couch smoking a blunt. I jogged downstairs sitting next to him and joined the session.

"I see yoy really feeling Teyana man." Vincet said passing me the blunt. I smirked taking a good whiff.

"Yeah, some like that. I don't know why man, but something is attracting me to her. Nigga just met her and I'm already falling for her. Lowkey getting protective too. I wanted to beat that nigga ass so bad bro, you don't knoww." I said shaking my head.

Vincet laughed. "She let you hit right?" I nodded. "Pussy for you bud. You pussy whipped." He laughed saying taking the blunt.

I shook my head looking away. I wasn't even looking to get into Teyana's panties for our first date.

It just .. happened.

"Whatever happens bro, and if y'all actually get together, don't fuck up man. She crazy just like Makayla. They from Louisiana and them women crazy down there. She loyal though." Vincet said and I nodded.

"That's what I need. Someone loyal. That understands me. Teyana .. She understands me man. We talked about so much shit our date night. It was amazing. I could talk to her about anything man." I explained. I looked at Vincet and he as smiling. "What man?"

"You whipped bro." I laughed shaking my head taking the blunt from his ass. He already getting high just off a couple puffs.

This nigga crazy man.

Am I whipped though?


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