76 { Night Talk }

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{ Teyana }

After picking Cj up, I went home. I was tired, and ready to go to sleep. I was also ready to talk to Chris on the phone before going to bed. It's something I've been doing.

• •

Walking in the house, Tara and Prince were bringing suit cases down the stairs. I frowned closing the door catching their attenion.

"Hey, what's going on here?" I asked shirting Cj to my other hip.

"Oh, hey Teyana. Sorry but we have to leave earlier than what we thought." Tara said.

"Yeah, my mom's just got rushed to the hospital not to long ago and we don't know if she's going to make it this time. I want to be in Miami just in time, just in case this is the last time I'll see her." Prince added.

"We hope you understand." Tara said.

"Oh, no it's fine. I fully understand. My prayers go out to her. I thank you guys for staying , it was a nice little vaca, right?"

"Yeah. It's pretty cool. I'm glad we got to finally meet each other and .. become friends?" She asked.

I chuckled, "Yeah were friends." I confirmed and she smiled. We hugged.

After saying bye to the girls, I walked them to their rental van. "See you guys later, come back sometime!" I yelled standing in the door frame.

"We will. And you have my number right?" Tara asked.

"Yup." I answered.

• •

I'm kinda bummed they left. They were really my only company, besides my baby but he's a baby.

I climbed in my bed and kissed Cj's cheek. He snuggled into the pillow drinking his bottle. My baby boy was sleepy, you can tell.

I grabbed my phone, "Let's call daddy, shall we?"

"Hello?"  Chris picked up after the machine came on.

"Hey baby. How are you holding up?" I asked. Cj yawned.

"I'm doing alright. I got some good news, and bad news though."

I sighed running my hand through Cj's curls as he dozed off under me.  This lil nigga love sleeping under me.

"What's the bad news first?" I asked.

"They're trynna give me 2-3 years in here." My heart dropped.

"..What.." I said above my whisper wanting to cry. "Didn't Chance come and talk to you? He's not doing his fucking job trying to fight for you!!" I cried. Tears were rolling down already.

Chris laughed. "Chris I don't see what's so fucking funny?! You are going to miss your son's 1st, 2nd, and possibly 3RD BIRTHDAY! I can't do all this by myself!" I cried.

"Teyana didn't you tell me that you were going to hold things down and be strong?"

"Yea but --"

"Then do that then babe! No matter how long i be gone, I need for you to be strong. For Christopher for sure." He said and I sighed calming down.  "What is his lil bad ass doing anyways?  I don't hear him."

"Alright.. and he's sleeping right here so stop that noise." " I mumbled sniffing and wiping my nose. "Isn't your court date in 3 days? I miss you."

"Yeah. I miss you too babe, and you didn't let me tell you the good news. I bet when I tell you this, your whole mood is gonna change."

"Chris what now? I'm already aggravated." I said.

"Well with the help of you and mama nem, I MIGHT BE GETTING OUT IN 3 DAYS ON THE COURT DATE!"

"WHAT? HOW?!" I smiled yelling. Cj jumped in his sleep. I patted his back. "Christopher your joking right?!" I smiled.

"Nahh babe. They didn't read me my Miranda Rights like They were suppose to. So ya mans will be back home in 3 days." I felt him mailing just as hard as me on the other end.

"Ong, I'm sooo excited!! I can sleep now!" He laughed. "I can't wait to see you Chris, for real."

"I know girl. I can't wait to hold you and Cj all night when we get back home. I don't want to talk to nobody when I get back. If its not an emergency, I don't want talk."

"Yeah. Hope you didn't drop the soap yet in there. Don't want no man with some sugar in his tank around my baby." I joked.

"Teyana stop fucking playing with me." I bust out laughing at how serious his voice changed. "You know damn well I don't fuck with no dick. And when I get back home, I'm going to need some nookie nookie." I bust out laughing.

This nigga is crazy .


"What? I'm serious! Teyana do you know how hard I be getting when I be thinking bout you girl?!"

I blushed like he could see me.

"Oh, Tara nem left earlier. Prince's mom got rushed to the hospital And he wants to see her one last chance if it's her last time."

"Aw damn. That's  fucked up."

Chris and I stayed on the phone all night until we night were sleepy. I'm glad they don't time the guys.


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