25 { Is It Mine? }

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My dad and I walked to back standing by the patio a little away from the party.

"Wassup pops,"

"Let me ask you something, you love that girl?" He asked lightening up his cigar.

"Yes sir," I answered.

"Are you sure? I know you guys are in love, I see the love. She's beautiful and she looks like she loves you the same way. I just want to make sure you know what your doing. Especially with her being pregnant and everything, I don't want it to be another ride like Bi -"

"Dad let me stop you right there, she's not.  I know my girlfriend and I know what's she capable of. Yeah she might have a past, and I did too. But we moved on from that. I love Teyana. I knew it from the first time I seen her, she had go be mine. I'm going to marry that girl some day, I can see it now." I smiled looking out at the yard watching Teyana and Makayla talk and fixing their food. I wasn't watching Makayla though lol, I was really watching my baby mama.

Teyana looked beautiful. I'm glad that my parents liked her. She's looks more calm now.

"As long as your happy son, I'm happy. Your wayy better than Devon with that crazy ass girl Princess thag claims her baby is for him."

We both laughed, "but you never know pops, Devon fucked Princess so many times she probably actually got his ass." I laughed saying.

"I hope not. I don't want that crazy bitch in my family," He said smoking his cigar and passed it to me. I sighed. "Here he comes now,"

I looked up seeing Devon approaching us with Vincet.

~ Hours Later.. ~

The cookout was ending and everyone was leaving. I was playing with my lil cousins while Teyana was talking to Makayla and some of my other cousins.

Today was fun. Teyana met many of the family and they all loved her just like my parents do. My mom and Teyana spent almost the whole day together.

I have no other siblings. Just me and Devon and my mama always wanted a daughter. It shows the way her and Teyana are interacting.

As long as we're good and the family accepts her, I'm good. Hopefully this is how it will be when I meet her family.

People down south are more unfiltered if anything.

* * *

After everyone left, Teyana and I stayed back and helped my mom nem clean the house.

Vincet and Makayla took an uber home since Makayla wasn't feeling good.

After sweeping up the floor, I walked over to Teyana who was on her phone standing by the counter eating.

"Hey, I'm going to bathroom then we'll head out." I said and she nodded. We kissed and I took a bite of her BBQ chicken. She smacked her lips looking at me and I laughed walking out the kitchen.


While waiting on Christopher, I continued eating my food. I was hungry yet again.

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