26 { Gender Reveal }

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"Teyana hurry up man we gonna be late!" Christopher yelled from downstairs.

"Nigga shut the fuck up. You see I'm struggling and shit. Don't start with me this morning. I'm already aggravated with your stupid ass." I fussed walking down the stairs. "Move the hell out of my way." I pushed his tall buff frame out my way since over the past months, Chris has been working out alot.

"Baby I told you I don't want that girl," He said trying to grab my hand. "Hell I don't even know her." He mumbled.

"IT DON'T FUCKING MATTER! YOU WAS STILL STARING AT HER ASS!" I yelled at him and stormed to the car getting inside and slamming the door waiting for Christopher to come.

So last night, Chris and I went to dinner because he was just coming home after a weekend of being in another state working on one of his clubs.

Dinner was going great because I was excited to see my baby and I was horny, I'm not going to lie. He just fucked up the whole mood when one of the waiters was eye fucking him and surprisingly, he laughed!

I felt stupid because I was sitting there and the girl was smirking at me like she took him from me. Even though I had to let her in on a few words.

We argued almost that whole night and even slept in separate rooms. I had to lock my door because Chris wouldn't stop bothering me.

Just because its a new day, doesn't mean I forgave his ass.

* * *

When we made it to the doctor's office. I watched as Christopher opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I said and he nodded. We walked to the entrance, silently. I didn't have anything to say and he didn't have anything to say.

I liked it too.

* * *

The door opened and the doctor walked in.

"Dr. Higgins, nice seeing you." I spoke sitting up.I

"Likewise. How are you guys doing?" He asked closing the door behind him smiling.

"Good," I said and looked at Chris. He looked away at his phone. I sighed laying back again and raised my shirt.

"That's good. Alrighty so, you already know the routine."

He applied the gel on my stomach and I jumped a little from how cold it was. I put behind my head and he turned on the computer.

The room was really quiet, besides the docotor talking and commenting on small stufd. Other than that, quiet.

"Okay here is the baby," He pointed out the strong healthy heartbeat, the head, and body.

"The baby looks like me when I was younger." Christopher said. I laughed a little and started tearing up a little. "Aw shit, here comes the tears." He grabbed a tissue patting my tears away. "Baby you cry everytime. You should be use to this by now." He said.

"I know but I'm so excited. We're finding out the gender and I'm just really excited." I cried.


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