91 { Set Up }

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{ Teyana }

I got out my car closing the door then pressed the lock button. I then walked to the entrance greeting Oliver and 5 other security guards.

"Hey Olly," I smiled hugging him.

"What's up? Where's my nephew?" He asked.

"At the house with Chris. So, you guys are watching me huh?"

"Yuup. You need us to come inside?"

"No, I'm good. Just stay out here and chill. If you guys want, you can chill in the truck if you want. I'll be here for a while." I informed them.

"Say no more. We'll keep a close eye on you so don't worry."

I nodded, "Thank you fellas." With that, I walked in the nail salon and greeted my ladies.

"Hey girls." I said.

"Hey bitch. Took you long enough." Makayla said and I laughed.

"Saying. Could've spent a little more time with my daughter and my new boo." Amber smirked.

"New boo? Ouu, who is it?" Makayla asked.

"His name is Grant. He's soo handsome and such a great dad to Payton. I wanted to bring him to the party, but he was busy with his family." She said.

"His family? Bitch you fucking a family man?" I asked.

Amber laughed. "No girl. I'm saying family as in his parents, brothers, you know." She explained.

"Oh, I was about to say " Makayla said and I nodded my head.

_ _

"Shit, I'm hungry. Y'all want to go get something to eat?" I asked the girls as we grabbed out stuff off the counter.

"Yeah probably some lunch or something. Whatcha' think Amber?" Makayla asked. We looked at Amber and she was once again, in her phone.

She's been looking at her phone for the past hour. Never once put of down. And when we would ask her what she was doing, she would say nothing.

She's probably just texting her man or something but I don't know.

Something seems a little off about Amber today.

_ _

"Huh? Oh, um .. yeah let's go." She said. I looked at Makayla then back at Amber. She grinned at us walking away.

"You see this too?" I asked Makayla.

"Yeah, something ain't right about her ass." Makayla said.

We walked out the nail salon place after paying. As we were walking in the parking lot, a black truck pulled up in the yard.

"Who the hell is that?" Makayla asked.

"I don't know .. " I said. The door opened and I looked at the van where Oliver and the guys were.

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