29 { Swabbed / Lies .. Lies .. Lies }

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- 2 Days Later.. -


I was sleeping peacefully until I heard Christopher downstairs and a baby crying. I frowned sitting up getting out the bed and walked to the bathroom. After doing my hygiene and everything in there, I went to the closet and threw on a sports bra and some yoga tights.

I then went downstairs and seen Princess, Christopher, and the baby was here. She was a cute little girl.

"Goodmorning," I said getting their attention. Princess looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Goodmorning baby. Slept good?" I nodded and smiled as he kissed my cheek. "This is the baby. Her name is Hailey. Hailey, this is your Auntie Teya -"

"Um, Hell no!" Princess yelled cutting Christopher off. "Just because she yo' girlfriend doesn't mean she my baby's Auntie. She just had an Uncle. She damn sure ain't finna be an Auntie of my child." Princess mumbled the last part.

I bit my cheek staring at her then looked at Chris grinning trying to hold my cool.

"I'm not going to say anything.." I whispered.

"Yeah don't. Matter fact I don't even want my baby here around her. Christopher your going to have to get your niece another time. Cause this bitch ain't -"

"Bitch? Hoe that's not even his niece! Look at her, she doesn't even look like Devon! You ain't prgenant no more, I can beat ya ass now!" I yelled. The baby started crying.

"The hell you not. You pregnant!" Christopher said standing infront of me.

"Yo, what's going on here? Who bouta fight?" Devon said walking in the house. He looked at Princess, Hailey and groaned. "Damn.." He mumbled.

"Nobody finna fight my best friend!" Makayla's loud voice said and she rushed inside with Vincet behind her.

"NOBODY FINNA BE FIGHTING!" Christopher yelled.

"Devon you been running long enough! IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO WATCH YOUR DAUGHTER!" Princess yelled and shoved Hailey into his arms.

"What the fuck? That ugly ass baby don't look shit like my Devon." Makayla said loudly and I bust out laughing.

Princess glared at her, "What the fuck you just said about my baby?" She asked her.

"You heard me, hoe. That's not Devon's baby and IT'S ugly as fuck!" Makayla yelled. "What you gon' do? Hit me? I dare you.." Makayla smirked.

I was damn ready for Princess to hit Makayla so I could punch her ass my damn self. I'm not going to fight her because of me being pregnant, but I am going to get one good hit.

"I can't stand none of you hoes." Princess simply said walking by Devon as he just held Hailey in his arm and was on his phone in the other hand. He wasn't even acknowledging the baby.

"Here Princess get her," Devon said putting his phone away.

"No I have to use the bathroom, spend time with her!" With that she walked down the hall.


When the door closed Christopher raced to the dining room.

"What the hell.." Devon mumbled.

He came back With a box. "What is that?" Vincet asked.

"It's a home DNA test. We gotta make this quick! Open her mouth Devon." He said opening the pack and pulled out a Q-Tip.

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