38 { Mine ? }

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Later That Evening...

- Teyana -

I woke up hearing my alarm. I turned it off seeing it was 6 in the evening. I should started getting ready. I got up from under Honey and walked to the bathroom.

After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I wrapped myself in my towel and walked out the bathroom seeing Honey laying in my bed on her phone.

"Oh. Your up." I told her.

"Yeah and you look like your going somewhere. Where to?" She asked sitting up moving the covers revealing her naked body putting her underwear and bra back on.

"I have a date tonight." I smiled.

"A date? With who? Don't tell your going out with Chr -"

"Girl no!" I said cutting her off stopping her before she could say Chris's name. "I'm going with Terrence."

"Who's Terrence?" She asked frowning.

"This guy I've been knowing from Louisiana. Were starting to talk again." I explained.

"So you already know him?" She asked.

"Yeah ever since I was a teenager."

She sighed, "Wow. Somebody else now.." She said

"Don't you have to be at work?" I asked her. She was getting on my nerves with this jealously. I told Honey I wasn't looking to be in a relationship. She just doesn't understand.

"Whatever. I'll leave , all because you have you little date. Call me when you get back home." She pecked my lips which turned turned into a full make out session.

I rubbed and fingered her and she moaned looking me in my eyes. I kissed her neck and she laid on the bed. I leaned down to the edge of the bed getting on my knees and allowed my tongue to take over her clit.

* * * *

I watched as Honey left the house. I went back upstairs rebrushing my teeth. I looked seeing it was 7:20.


I instantly started lotioning up my body with Terrence's favorite lotion from Victoria Secret. I then went to the closet picking out a nice dress that hugged my sexy curves that my baby boy Cj blessed his lovely mommy with. 😊

I don't know where Terrence is planning on taking me tonight. I don't want to overdress , but you know a bitch MUST be looking flawless.

* * * *

Knock Knock Knock!

I grabbed my white Coach purse and then grabbed my phone. I carefully made my way out the bedroom turning off the light and went answer the door.

I smoothed my dress a little and then opened the door seeing nicely dressed Terrence on the other side. He looked up at me and his eyes widened. He looked me up and down hungrily making me laugh and blush.

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