48 { Surprised Guest }

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The Next Morning...


I woke up hearing Cj laughing. I opened my eyes seeing him getting his diaper changed by Terrence.

Terrence was blowing on his stomach in the process making him laugh.

I sat throwing the cover off me a little revealing my boobs.

"Good thing you woke up. Breakfast hours just started." Terrence said strapping Cj's diaper and picked him up kissing him. "Say goodmorning mommy." He told Cj.

Cj looked around then looked at me and smiled.

"Lemme get dressed. I'm hongry," I said getting out the bed.

* * *

Terrence and I walked out the hotel room. Terrence was holding baby Cj and I had my purse and Cj's diaper bag in my hands.

After breakfast, Makayla and I were going get our toes and nails redone. I need a good pedicure too so. While we're gone, Terrence and I agreed that he would take Cj for the day.

It was actually his choice in taking Cj which I found so cute because he's being a good step dad go my Snuckums.

* * *

We walked into the lobby sitting at the table. I grabbed my phone texting Makayla.

Me : " Hoe you better be come and come eat before all the shit be gone. "

Big Booty Lay 🍑💦: " Coming down the elevator now. "

I locked my phone standing up 

"They're abouta' walk in." I told Terrence. He nodded looking up at me from Cj.

"You go get your breakfast , I'll stay hea' wit Cj." He said and I nodded kissing his cheek.

"Be right back," I said walking to the breakfast stand. After getting my plate full, I went back to the table hearing Makayla's voice.

"Goodmorning guysss!!" I cooed.

"Ouu thea' go ma' bitchh!!" Makayla squealed. I put my food down and we hugged. "Look at Terrence being a step dad ova' dea with my Nanny baby. Gimme ma' baby boy." She took Cj from Terrence.

I sat down next to Terrence. The doors opened again and Christopher walked inside.

What the shit...

I looked at Terrence and he looked at me with the same confused face expression.

"You invited him?" He whispered.

"No!" I semi- whispered. I didn't except Christopher to actually come out here to Louisiana.

"Wassup Chris," Vincet said and they dapped.

"Baby go get your food." I told Terrence. He looked at me and nodded pecking my lips twice.

Petty ass.

I watched as he walked away trying to avoid the contact with Christopher. I could feel him burning a hole into my cheek.

"Here girl get fat cakes , I'm hongry." Makayla put Cj in my lap. He tried grabbing my eggs off my plate.

"Stop Cj." I said moving his hand. He screamed and tried doing it again. "Cj what the hell did I say." I said moving his hand again. He started whining and kicking his chubby legs. I put my fork down. "Boy I'm bouta whoop yo -"

"You betta not whoop my son." I looked up seeing Christopher walking over to us.

When Cj seen him, he instantly got excited and tried jumping out my lap! "Come here Jr." He said taking Cj from me. I sighed eating my breakfast again. "How's your morning?"

"Fine.." I simply said. His ass ain't slick trynna start a conversation.

The door opened again.

"GOOD MORNING Y'ALL!" Devon and another chick behind him walked in. She looked foreign.

"Oh God.." I mumbled looking at my phone.

Can this vacation get any worse?


Teyana was glowing this morning. She was sitting right in the light which had her skin poppin tremendously.

How could have I fucked up so bad?

* * *

Everyone was now sitting at the table eating their breakfast. It an awkward quiet breakfast too.

I sat right across from Teyana and she never looked up at me. I couldn't stop looking at her though.

That nigga Terrence and I exchanged a few glares and looks at each other too. I don't know why the fuck he keep looking at me.

"Okay I see a fresh face at our table , who you?" Makayla's nosey ass asked Rosa.

Rosa looked up from her food. "Oh, sorry. I'm Rosa. I work for Christopher , and I'm Cj's Nanny." She smiled.

"Hollup Nanny?" Teyana asked looking at me.


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