89 { Privilege }

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{ Christopher }

"Thank you guys so much for coming. See you soon." Teyana said closing the door locking it.

"What a lovely day. I had a good time today." Mama said sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, I need to get home and take my medicine now. Getting sleepy." My dad said. "Y'all gonna have to turn one of those guest bedrooms into another playroom for Cj." He said.

I sat on the couch and Teyana sat right in my lap.

"He's not even going to play with half of that." I said.

"Why not?"

"Because all Teyana does is baby him and hold him." I answered.

Teyana smacked her lips.

"I do not baby him and hold him. If anything, he's more spoiled behind you than me." She said.

"Y'all so cute." Mama said.

"Thanks." We said at the same time.

"Alright. Come on Theresa. I'm sleepy." My dad stood up then helped my mom up.

"Yeah, your right about that. Hey, can we get Cj tomorrow? Tomorrow is a off day and I want to spend time with my grandbaby."

"Yeah mama, I'll drop him off at 12." I said. They walked to the door.

"Goodnight , we love y'all." They said. We all hugged and my parents left.

Teyana sighed. "Your staying tonight or going to your penthouse?"

"What kind of question is that? You better believe I'm sleeping with my fiance." I said wrapping my arms around Teyana and kissed her cheek.

She smiled.

"Christopher this is so beautiful, thank you baby." Teyana said looking at her ring.

"Of course it's beautiful. I had to make it beautiful just like you and just how you like it. Big and shiny."

"This is just the engagement ring, I'm nervous to see the wedding ring itself." I laughed picking her up.

"I can't wait to even get that one. But its not about the ring. It's about how we're going to be together for ever and how were going to have that big family you've always wanted." She blushed.

"Christopher, I'm so happy right now you just don't know." She giggled.

I pecked her lips, "Want to show me how happy you are?"

"I-I don't know. Cj is sleeping, I'm still recovering from the whole misscarriage thing and -"

"It's cool babe, we can wait." I said cutting her off. She grinned then pecked my lips again.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more."

We started cleaning up the house and the backyard that everyone missed.

{ Teyana }

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