53 { Sleep Over }

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I was just getting back to the hotel from shopping with Cj and Devon.

I don't know why, but Rosa didn't want to come. She told me she was leaving. I didn't care.

As I was making my way to my room, the door flew open and Rosa walked out flipping her hair.

"Rosa what the fuck you doing in my hotel room?" I asked.

"SEND ME MY MONEY CHRISTOPHER!" She yelled walking to the elevator.

"Wait what are you -" A woman behind her yelled from coming out my room as well. She bumped me and tell to the floor.

I got a good look of her and noticed it was Teyana?

* * *

"Teyana?" I wuuestioned. She looked up at me and looked like she seen a ghost. "What the hell are y'all doing in my room?" I asked helping her up with my free hand.

"I came home , Terrence wasn't there. I came to your room and she opened it."

"What? How the hell.." I said.

"She musta went to the office and got a spare card may be, Ion kno'. Hi my baby!!" She cooed taking Cj from me. Cj smiled widely seeing his mama.

It did concern me though to why Rosa was in my room the first place. I walked past Tey and Cj and walked into my hotel room seeing everything still the same. I put our bags on the table.

"Why was she -" I noticed my safe on my bed with a bent knife placed on the side of it. "Stupid bitch!" I yelled. I always keep a safe nearby me with with good amount of money inside.

"Christopher what's -"

"Where this bitch at?!" I yelled.

"Chris wait calm down she didn't take anything!" Teyana yelled blocking the door.


"I came just in time befo' she even tried to do anything. Just. . .sit down , and I'll get ylu sum to drink." She said placing Cj in my arms.

"I want to drink you," I said. Teyana looked at me and laughed looking away. I could tell she was blushing on the other side . "Did you even call Terrence?" I asked her sitting Cj on the counter and standing infront of him.

"Yea and I'm a little curious. He yelled at me , and then ontop of that , I heard a bitch talking to him! And when I went to ask who it was , he hung up." She explained. I shook my head. I hope his bitch ass is cheating.

"So what do you think he's cheating?"

She shrugged.

"If he is, fuck him."

I laughed. "That means me and you -"

"No." She cut me off. "But I'm not going to automatically say he's cheating when that could be a friend or something."

"Friend my ass Teyana." I said. "You acting like you don't miss a nigga anyway. Knowing damn
well you miss me." I said truthfully and she just shrugged. I stood Cj up on his feet and he leaned over nibbling on my hand. "Look at him, he's so adorable."

"I know wight!! Wooking just wike his mommy!!" Teyana cooed kissing Cj.

"Teyana please. Everybody says that dude look just like his daddy. Which is true because when I was deep in there , ouu shit! I had to make sure that was gonna be mine fasho!" I said grinding on the counter and Teyana laughed.

"Christopher stop your so nasty." She said.

"You like my nastiness so shut up " I said mushing her head.

We walked to the living room sitting down.

"I don't want to be in hea." Teyana said getting up and walking out the living room. I followed her to the bedroom.

Teyana climbed in my bed with Cj and she handed him his bottle laying him down. He scooted close to her and continued drinking.

"Damn. Y'all just come and take over my bed huh?" I asked.

Teyana laughed grabbing the remote. I looked at the time. "Aren't you going to that party y'all down here for?"

"Nahh. I never really wanted to go in the first place. Plus I can't get in the room, so yeah. I guess we'll just crash here tonight. Sleep over!" She squealed.

"Shit if it means we can do grown up things , then count me in." I said laying behind Teyana and kissed her neck.

"Christopher don't start" she laughed.

"I'm Fr Teyana." I said rubbing her thighs. I grabbed her hand and placed it in my shorts. "Stroke me daddy baby girl." I said in her ear kissing her earlobe and slid my hand in her tights and panties rubbing her clit.

"Mm shit. N-No Christopher. Cj is right hea'." She said taking her hands out my shorts. I groaned looking over her shoulder seeing him wide awoke..

"Dammit Cj." Teyana laughed. I got out the bed grabbing Cj's swing. I placed it infront of the TV to a good view turning on his favorite, Spongebob.

I walked back to the bed and picked Cj up grabbing his bottle. He started whining. I laid him in his swing and then put his bottle back in his mouth hushing him up.

I went back to the bed already seeing Teyana fully naked laying under the covers smirking.

"Your gonna stannd there and stare or your gonna come give me some dick?" She asked.

I quickly pulled off my briefs making my erected penis spring out into the air.

"I'm bouta hit you wit the monster."

"Mmmm Papi I like it rough." She said in sexist voice like the girl off of Next Friday.

"Fuck Teyana. You just turned me on even more." I said taking off my shirt. "Cj cover ya ears!" I yelled climbing in the bed and Teyana laughed.


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