101 { New Life }

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~ Excuse Mistakes ~

2 Months Later...

{ Christopher Pov }

"We're going to miss you guys so much. Please don't leave!" My mama begged holding onto me.

I laughed. "Mama as much as we want to, we have to go. The plane is waiting for us, and I'm ready to see our new house." I told her.

She wiped her tears letting me go. "I hate seeing you guys leave." She said sniffing hugging Teyana.

"When will y'all be back?" My dad asked holding Cj.

"Um .. we're going to settle out that for a while then come back for a nice vaca." Teyana explained.

"That's not answering the question." Makayla said making us all laugh.

"Maybe the summer." I answered.

"WHAT?! THAT'S TOO LONG!" My dad said.

We laughed. Let's just say, were all a close knit family.

"This is a new chapter for us. We're getting married soon, might as well move too." I said holding Teyana's hand and kissing it.

Teyana and I agreed that we wasn't going to do no big wedding. We rather a small family wedding.

"I can't wait for the wedding and see my beautiful daughter - in law in her beautiful dress becoming the new , "Mrs. Smith." Ah, sounds perfect right?" My dad said putting his arm around Teyana's neck and then mine.

Teyana smiled.

_ _

After what happened 2 months ago, Teyana fully recovered, and we took the time to get us a brand new house out in California.

We're getting a fresh, new, 6 bedroom, 7 baths, with a pool, kitchen area outside, nice yard front and back, movie theater, inside pool, etc.

Teyana actually chose the house, and immediately, we hopped on it. We just got out some new walls and decorations changed up, and our new place is now ready for us to move in.

We're really excited. Moving from New York, is like starting fresh. Leaving the drama and whatnot. Even though we're leaving our family and friends, we'll visit.

My music career, I'll think about it. I don't get any privacy. I can barely enjoy a nice day out at the park with my son!

I don't know, I'm also tired of being mixed up with ladies and people trying to track me and shit. I need to protect my family more than anything. Especially if Teyana and I are trying to have another child in the future.

_ _

"So what are you going to do with your music career? Your just going to let it go," My mom asked as she followed me to the back seat putting Cj in his carseat.

"Yeah, I think so. So much shit been happening when I'm not here, I have to protect them Mama. It's my job, my duty. I signed up for this shit." I explained looking at Cj.

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