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The Next Day ( 1:00 PM ) ....


I opened my eyes looking down at Teyana sleeping in my arms. She was beautiful. I had that neck covered with my hickies. Last night was amazing. Teyana was amazing in bed, her pussy tight ass hell, and the head game is just SHIT!

I didn't except to have sex with Teyana the first date but I mean I couldn't resist her. She was beautiful, looking good all night, and such a tease.

"Why are you staring at me Christopher?" Teyana asked looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. I could look into those things for hours without saying anything.

"You just beautiful that's all." I answered and she smiled snuggling in my chest. "What do you think about last night?"

She smiled widely, "Last night was amazing. Didn't think you would've put it down like that. Can't move right about now."

We both laughed. I looked at the time and it was 1 in the afternoon.

"Shit." I said rubbing my hand down my face.

She frowned looking at me, "What?"

"We've been sleep all morning. It's 1 in the afternoon mama." I said.

"Oh who cares? I could stay right here with you all day." She wrapped her arms around me. I smirked doing the same and pecked her lips.

"How about we go get this sex off of us first then we can go out to eat then come back and lay down for the rest of the day." I suggested.

"So your basically spending the day with me. Don't you have a club to attend to?"

I laughed. "Yeah but your more important to me right now." He kissed my forehead. "Now come on, let's go get cleaned up." I pulled the cover off of us and walked to the bathroom.


Christopher was a good 7 - 8 inches. And let me tell you, he wasn't that big but he could work those hips honey. That nigga had me screaming all night. And that don't usually happen when I'm fucking ANYBODY.

I watched as his little butt jiggled as he walked. It made me laugh. "You coming or what?" He was looking at me.

"Yeah, give me a minute to get out the bed first. Would've been nice if you would've helped me to the bathroom knowing I'm half paralyzed." He laughed nakedly making his way over to me. His penis was just bouncing everywhere as he walked.

He was literally acting like he's not walking around my bedroom fully naked with his dick out right now. I have to say though, it's pretty sexy.

Christopher grabbed the both of my legs putting each around his waist and grabbed my arm wrapping them around his neck.

"You could've his picked me up b- BRIDAL STYLE!!" I screamed when he slammed his penis inside without any warning.

I knew this was coming. He wasn't picking me up this way for nothing.

"I was gonna just take a shower but now, I want you." He said against my neck kissing it and still pounding inside of me.

"Mmm, fuck." I hissed looking down at the work he was putting in.

After shower in the sex, I was literally, done for the day. I asked Chris to bring me some Chinese food back and he said he would. I really like the man even though I just met him. We automatically clicked. Like a magnet or something.

The door opened and I seen Makayla walked in with a huge smile on her face. I laughed looking at the window already knowing what she was smiling for.

"Hm, dick at night and morning? Okay bitch I see you. Fucking him already." She said doing a dance.

I laughed again, "Kay its not even like that. You were right, he's sweet and I can say that I like him. Even after a day of getting to know him. He makes me laugh, smile, horny.." I mumbled the last part.

"Hoe I heard that." Makayla said and we both bust out laughing. "What about Brian? Heard from him?"

"Fuck!" I sat up grabbing my phone. I forgot all about Brian and I's date yesterday! Even though I said I didn't want to go with Brian, I haven't told him so technically, the date was still on.

"What?" Makayla asked.

"I haven't told Brian I didn't want to go out with him last night." I looked at my phone. It was the first time I looked at it since last night. "Fuck, he's mad." I muttered.

I had 12 missed calls and 20 new messages from Brian.

"Should I call him back?" I asked looking at Makayla.

"Bitch no! Fuck him. He got a whole female and trynna be with you. Well it's too late. He had 2 months to make his move and he didn't. Leave Brian ass alone and stay focused on your money and Christopher." She said sitting up.

She was right though. But I also want to really apologize to Brian for ditching him like that.

I can only imagine howbjrs feeling right now. The way he blew up my phone, he's pissed.


"Damm man. She let you got first date? I wish Makayla was like that. She didn't let me hit till our 10th date. Then she would tease me. Nigga had to take cold showers and shit."

I laughed shaking my head at Vincet. Vincet my boy. We've been buddies since freshman year of high school.

"She a stripper and everything though man. I don't want my lady being called a hoe if we go out to places and shit." I said looking out the window.

"Yeah but when they see she's with you, they won't. But don't let her strip when y'all together. You don't want no other nigga trying to get what's yours."

"Already told her about that and she understood. I'm just excited to see what the future holds for us."



Christopher and Teyana...

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