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The Next Day 🌞...


Christopher kissed my forehead again then trailed down to my cheek and then my lips. I smiled looking at him. "Do you really have to go?" I whined.

I didn't want for him to leave. I was fine being with him alone. Nobody else bothered.

"Yuup. Got some business to handle. But don't worry, I'll FaceTime you alright? Make sure your ringer on." Christopher said pecking my lips.

"Okay.. What will I do today then?" I asked. Knowing that I had work tonight, I didn't know what to during the daytime hours.

Christopher started dinging in his pocket. He pulled out his wallet and started passing through cards. I seen about 10 million fucking black cards. I knew this nigga had money when I seen him driving a damn Lamborghini.

He picked one card out and handed it to me.

"Chris -"

"Before you say anything, I know you got money. But today I want you to use my black card and go yourself something nice." I looked at him then back at the card debating on if I should take the card and go shop or give him his card back.

"Thanks Chris, but I -"

"Tey please , take the card." He pleaded. I sighed nodding and put the card in my bra. "Eww, I said take the card not put it on your titty sweat." He joked.

I laughed playfully hitting his arm.

"Shut up. You like my sweaty tittes."

"That I do. But I'm out, I'll come back later on tonight alright?" I nodded and he leaned in kissing me. I added tongue in the kiss getting a chuckle from him. He picked me up and we had a good lil make out session. "Lemme stop before I end up taking you back upstairs."

I giggled pecking his lip one last time before he put me down.

"Byee Chrissyy!!"

"Bye Teyyy!!" He said back and started walkiing to his car. I smiled closing the door and jumped facing Vincet.

"Shit Vince, scared the fuck outta me! Don't do that." He laughed looking out the window.

"What you did to my boy Teyana?" He asked.

"I didn't do anything. What did you go to my girl?" I mocked referring to Makayla. He laughed.

"Good clapback. But for real, all that nigga talk about is you. The pussy that good sis?"

I laughed walking past him doing the milly rock.

"Must be. But its not even about the sex. We have so much in common. He told me about his past, I told him about mine. We didn't let it affect our bond. And he's actually picking me up tonight from work."

"Wait, he know you a stripper?"

"Yeah, it was weird telling him and everything because of the conversations that goes on about strippers. He understands though and I promised him that if we ever start a relationship, I would quit stripping." I explained.

"Well I'm happy for y'all. He's a good man, trust me. As long as he don't hurt you and you don't hurt him, everything cool. You just better not end up pregnant." He said pointing to me.

I laughed. Having a baby is no where on my kind. I'm only 23 years old. I have a long path ahead of me to have a baby. Right now, I don't want any.

"You telling that to me? You and Makayla fucked in every room in this apartment. I caught y'all multiple times fucking on the kitchen table and the counter!"

Vincet laughed, "That's different. Stay out of grown folks business."

I scoffed watching him walking to the stairs. This nigga only 2 years older than me. I see why him and Makayla clicked so fast.

"Tell Makayla wake up and get ready because we're going to the mall today!" I told Vincet.

"Yeah yeah!"


I drove into my driveway and seen a blue Sudan in the yard parked next to my Jaguar. Who the hell is this?

I parked my Lambo then reached under my seat grabbing my gun. I watched waiting for the person to get out the car.

The car door opened and a blue heel hit the ground. Knowing it was a woman, I put my gun back under the seat. She got out and turned towards me smiling.

I rolled my eyes shaking my head. It was ex - girl friend, Bianca.

I sighed getting out my car and walked straight to my door without saying a word to her.

"CHRISTOPHER!" She yelled behind me. I put the key in the door knob and felt her grab my arm. "Baby where are you going?"

"Listen Bianca, you got 5 seconds to get the fuck off my property. I don't want you anymore. What me and you had was something that I regret." I said.

"So you regret our baby Christopher?" She said sounding a little hurt.

"Bitch please. What baby? Every time I fucked you, I used protection. Don't start pinning that child on me again. The whole fucking New York know that baby is for my cousin. You not fucking slick Bianca. I know you and Debo fucked many of times." She was speechless.

"What? I don't know what your -"

"DON'T LIE TO ME BIANCA!" She jumped stepping back a little. "You forgot I had cameras every where inside and outside my house? I seen all the times y'all fucked. And when you told me you were pregnant, I knew then it wasn't mine because we was fucking during the time! That was that week I was in Florida visiting my grandma. So you can take that child bullshit and get the fuck out my face." I gritted through my teeth the last sentence.

She was crying by this time and I honestly didn't care. Now that I caught her stupid lying ass, she speechless and crying.

"Christopher I'm sorry. I really didn't want to. He forced me, I swear!" She cried.

"Yeah, the first time he did. Then you gave it in the middle of it.  The second time, you came onto him. That's when y'all was fucking like y'all was a new couple or some shit." I said, she looked away. "Now I'm going to ask you again. Please get the FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY!"


I bust out laughing at how stupid she was looking. She really think just because she's telling me this shit, it's going to hurt me.

Got me fucked up.

"You done?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

"Yep. Just watch your back, thats all I'm saying. You fucked with the wrong -"

I slammed the door in her face and locked my door. I don't have time for that girl.

If she continue to fuck with me or if something happens and I find out she got something to do with it, I'm going to murder her ass.

And that's on my mama.


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