69 { Dinner / Jealously Time }

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That Night...


It's dinner time, and I made dinner. With the help of Prince that is. Meanwhile, Christopher and Tara were laughing in the living room. They never came help us or anything.

It's starting to really piss me off because Chris barely talked to me ever since they came. His focus has been on her the entire time.

Did he forget she's married?

Did he forget he's in a relationship?!

- - - -

"Daddy we hungey!!" One of their daughters said. It was the oldest one. Their daughters were cute.

"Alright baby girl. Go pick up your toys and you and your sister come sit." He told her and she ran off.

"Thanks for helping me. I don't know how I would've made all this by myself."

Prince smiled. "Your welcome. I knew they weren't coming help and I didn't have anything else to do so. Plus, we're from the same state, I know how you like your food."

"Spicy and lots of seasoning!" We both said at the same time and bust out laughing.

Prince was a huge jokester. He's so funny. I see why Tara is with him. And he's sweet.

"You are something else." I chuckled drinking my water. I heard Cj crying. "Well, lemme go get him. He must be hungry."

"No, let me get him.  You've been on your feet long enough. Go sit and I'll bring you your food." He demanded and gently pushed me to the table area. I laughed taking my seat.

Prince then went upstairs going get Cj. While waiting, I called Chris and Tara in the kitchen for dinner. They came in the kitchen laughing and wiping the tears out of their eyes.

It can't be that fucking funny.. Chris doesn't even laugh that hard with me.

- - - -

"GIRLS COME EAT! Hey, where's Prince?" Tara asked taking her seat right across from me.

"He went upstairs going get Cj. He told me I needed a break and that he was going to get my plate for me." I explained and I notice Chris frown and look at me.

I don't know what the fuck he's looking at. Prince is doing shit that he's suppose to be doing.

"Oh, okay." She smiled.

- - - -

So far, dinner was going good. Everyone was enjoying the food and all.

"Yo Teyana this salad dressing is fucking bomb man!" Prince yelled and I laughed. We fist bumped. Chris sighed feeding Cj mashed potatoes.

"Thank you." I smiled. I looked at Tara seeing her feeding her 3 year old daughter. "So Tara, what do you do for living?" I asked.

"Well I am a event planner. I plan for weddings, parties, etc. Anything honestly." She answered and I nodded. "What about you?"

"Oh, I don't do anything. Christopher doesn't want me working. Right babe?" I glanced at Chris seeing him already looking at Tara. I looked at her In the corner of my eye seeing her blush then look away at her good stuffing her mouth. "CHRIS!" I yelled snapping him out his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah, that's right. I don't feel comfortable with her being out there." Chris said and looked at Cj. I rolled my eyes at him.

Fucking idiot.

- - - -

I laid in the bed and put Cj next to me. Chris was already in the bed working on his computer.

I don't even want to speak to his ass tonight. Dinner was horrible. Christopher and Tara kept looking at each other and smiling.

It's like they were communicating with their eyes or something. It aggravated the hell out of me. I don't think I want them staying another night.

It's obviously causing a problem between Chris and I's relationship but he doesn't seem to care. I honestly think he's more interested in Tara.

Hell maybe still in love with Tara.

- - - -

"Dinner was good right?" Chris questioned.

"Mhm, " Was all I said and I patted Cj's back while I laid his head down.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked. I shook my head not wanting to even go down the road. "Teyana yes there is so -"

"Chris I'm not speaking to you anymore tonight! I bet you wanna talk about Tara too huh?! Just leave me the fuck alone, please!" I yelled.


I didn't even bother to start an argument by saying something back. 

Teyana is just tired and overreacting. All Tara and I was doing was goofing around. We been doing it gor years, it never changed. 

You could  tell Teyana is extremely jealous by Tara. I don't see why. Yeah Tara and I goofed around all night and shit but WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!

Yes, I was staring at her at the dinner table as well. She's beautiful, why wouldn't you stare at a beautiful woman?

Hopefully they can sooner or later become friends. Teyana is just making it so hard. All Tey have to do is give the girl a fucking chance.


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