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That Night...


We walked into the hotel room and Teyana walked past me with crying Cj in her arms.

"You want me to get him?" I asked Teyana locking the door.

"No.. I got it." She mumbled and walked into the bathroom clsoing it behind her 

Teyana haven't spoke to me all day and it's really starting to annoy the hell out of me.

* * *

After Cj was sleep, Teyana laid him in the other bed we had in the room then started getting inside that bed.

"Why you not coming sleep with me? I'm yo man.' I asked her.

"Because "my man" would tell me secrets that I don't know. When your ready to be mature and tell me what your hiding that Amoni was talking about , then I'll sleep with you. Until then, I'm good ova' hea." She said turning her back to me and laying down.

I want to tell Teyana but right now , I don't want to. I don't want to scare her off.

I dont want to ruin out trip already with the shit.

* * *

"Baeeeeeeeeee! Come onnnnn!!" I whined sitting up and pulled the cover back. "Come ova hea." I said.

"Nope, I'm tied. Good night Terrence." She said.

I sigjed. "Teyana Marlon , get yo sexy ass ova hea' now!" I said harshly. She still didn't move.

I continued begging and calling her for about 4 Minutes.

"Terrence go the fuck to sleep!" She yelled.

I sighed, "Fine , be like that den."


I'm not playing with Terrence. I am not going to sleep with him until I find out whatever it is he's hiding from me.

I grabbed my phone seeing a text message from my sis Makayla and a DM from Instagram by someone named AmoniStarks.

I groaned lowly. This betta not be this bitch trynna talk shit in my DMs because I will beat her ass. I know where the fuck she stay in that run down as house.

I went to Makayla's text first though because she's more important.

Big Booty Kay🍑💦: " Hey hoe. I don't know if you up or not but we landed!!!😁 What hotel y'all at? "

Me : " Me and Cj was just falling to sleep. Well I was .. but we're at the Mariot on by the airport. "

{ A/N : Made Up.. }

Big Booty Kay 🍑💦: " Great. We'll check in and see you guys for breakfast tomorrow. "

Me : " Kay. Goodnight baby love you. 😚"

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