bill denbrough || spit it out b-bill!

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His hands shock nervously as he reached her front door. Bill Denbrough had never done this before. Not gone to a front door, but asked a girl out. His lips clasped together as his fist rose to the wooden door. One...two...three times he knocked. And he waited. He waited in the burning summer sun as she travelled down the creaky stairs to answer. As she answered, she smiled instantly. 

"Bill what are you doing here?"

"I u-um, I ca-came over t-to umm a-ask you som-something."

She was patient with his stutter. She never wanted to push him. She just waited with a smile on her face.

"Sure, ask me anything."

Bill became really shaky, hands trembling by his side. He was so scared that it showed on his face.

"Billy? Are you okay?"

He grew angry with himself.

'Geez Bill!! Just spit it out already!!' he thought.

"Y/N will you go out with me?" he spoke quickly without a single stutter, his eyes squeezed shut.

She stared at him in shock. She never thought that the Denbrough boy would like her. She threw her arms around his neck, his arms circling around her waist and pulling her closer. They stayed in the hug for what felt like forever. Yet neither of them minded.

"I would be dumb not to."

Miss Rabbit <3

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