Bill Denbrough || the judge.

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Bill deserves all the happiness in the world.

She never thought that the first thing she would see was her boyfriend huddled in a corner of the shed, silently crying with a hand rested against his cheek. It was red, almost glowing.
"Bill?" She walked towards him with some sort of caution. She never knew how he reacted to different situations.
But this, this moment, Bill didn't fight, he didn't yell or scream. But looked at
Y/N for comfort and safety.
"Y-Y/N...I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-sorry," his stutter mixed with the sobs made his speech worse.
"Sorry? What are you sorry for?"
"I hu-hurt you. Physically and m-m-m-m-"
"Mentally?" She said for him.
"Yes. I'm s-so sorry."
"Bill," her hand replaced the one on his cheek. A thumb gently rubbing it, "none of this is on you," tears were in his eyes and covering his cheeks, like rolling off marble, "you do not hold the blame."
"W-who does then?"
"The people who have done this to you," she was never accepted into the Denbrough family as Bill's girlfriend. Bill had never be accepted himself, "you're parents, they aren't even parents at all. They are monsters."
His face scrunched up with more tear shed, "but I c-can't escape th-th-these monsters."

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