Mike wheeler || a virus that spreads.

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What if Will wasn't the only one possessed?

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What if Will wasn't the only one possessed?

Her arms were tied to her sides as the lights beamed to her. She had no clue what was happening, and neither did the monster possessing her.

"What's happening?" her eyebrows furrowed as she barely saw the people standing around her, "what's going on?! Why am I tied up?!"

Hopper emerged from the shadows of the lights, holding that shadow monster drawings Will did.

"Hey, do you know what this is?"

Of course he wouldn't get a response.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

The lights flickered and Y/N's scream turned inhuman. The monster that was inside her was taking over more.

"Hey," Mike finally built up the courage to walk to his girlfriend, placing his hands on her knees, "Y/N! Y/N look at me!"

The lights seemed to stop flickering and her unnormal stare landed on the boy in front of him.

"You're still in there, I know it, because I won't let you go that easy."

Her eyes watered. It gave Mike even more proof that she was still in there.

"Everything keeps falling apart and I thought it would stop. After the whole upside down accident, and you and Will were back, I promised to protect you," Mike was crying by now, "and now I've got nothing now, I've got nobody."

Y/N's eyes turned back from brown to their normal E/C colour.

"And it feels like I'm dying over and over again," his head hung down to his lap as he sobbed.

But his head shoot up at the slight sound of, "...Mike."

His eyes show those crystal tears falling from her eyes and those brown eyes back to the normal colour.

"Y/N," the others watched on with tears as well as Mike cupped his girlfriend's face in his hands, "baby I'm here."

"Close the gate," her voice was croaky and broken, and her stare could kill.

"But it'll kill you Y/N," Mike was broken as well, watching as the love of his life and best friend Will fell apart.

The brownness returned to her eyes, showing the monster was back. Mike stood back and Y/N's lip quivered. Her own boyfriend was scared of her and the monster taking over.

"I'm sorry."

(I know that it isn't IT but I miss Stranger Things so...this is what you guys get today. And also for getting this to rank 34! I love you guys so much! <3 )

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