Eddie Kaspbrak || sick of losing soulmates.

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I can finally see you're as fucked up as me

Trigger warning: cutting/suicide

He let go of the blade between his fingers and laid it on the wooden table before her. Her eyes immediately glossed over, looking up to him with a jaw hanging open.

"It stops now," his face was so serious, it wasn't the same Eddie, "this is bad."

"I know..." she whispered out.

"Then why do you do it?!" He interrupted.

"I was hurting and I didn't think about who I might hurt," she sobbed.

He was pissed. Mostly angry at her for not telling him.

But who would want a cutter?

He paced back and forth, back and forth till he stopped in front of his bedroom door.

"You did an evil thing," he clenched his jaw tightly and swallowed hard, "get the fuck out."

Y/N didn't know what to say. Her eyes letting out tears every second and her jaw still hanging open. He had had enough.

"Eddie please-" she tried to reason but he wouldn't have it.

"Get the fuck out of my house. Now."

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