Richie Tozier request || call out my name.

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We were a family of weirdos, I had to admit

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We were a family of weirdos, I had to admit.

Richie didn't care about the fire surrounding him or his bike, or the fact that Fp Jones, his very own serpent king and the father of his girlfriend, was rushing right next to him. As the fire burned bright next to him, his pace was rushing towards the woods of Riverdale, eyes darting around for any sight of a body. Y/N's or Jughead's. He was more worried about her then her brother.

"Y/N?! Y/N where are you?!" Richie's voice rose while travelling deeper and deeper into the forest.

Finding a shimmer in the moonlight, he bent down to investigate what it was.

"Her ring," Fp spoke from behind the boy with worry and sadness in his voice. He only feared the worst for his daughter and son.

"We have to find them and quick," Richie shoved the small jewelry into his serpent jacket pocket and rushed on.

It was almost forever till they heard the small whimpers of a male's voice. The only light they had was the bright moon, and it directed them to the fragile and beaten Jughead Jones. Cuts spread over his body, blood everywhere and his pulse barely hanging in there.

Fp dropped to his knees besides his oldest son, "Jug?! Jug can you hear me?!" his large hands cupped themselves around the back of his head, lifting it gently off the ground.

The only things that Jughead could whimper out was her name, "Y/N? Y/N?"

"We are gonna find her Jug, we're going to find her okay?"

"Found her!" Richie called out as he rushed over to his girlfriend's unconscious body. He pulled her to face him. She looked so peaceful, so calm. Maybe it was because she was dying or that Richie hadn't seen her like this before, "Y/N?! Y/N baby wake up!"

Fp rushed over while leaving his son to try to push his body to see his little sister, to see if she was okay, "Y/N? Y/N can you hear me babygirl?" still she was lifeless, "Y/N I need you to open your eyes for me darlin'," Jughead had pushed himself up on two unsteady arms that were covered with deep cuts and bruises to see that his little sister wasn't waking up. And it was all his fault, "Richie take Jug to the bikes."

"I have to stay with her," Richie protested. He didn't even care that he wasn't following the orders of the serpent king.


"No! I need to stay with her!" his throat almost cracked out a sob, his voice shaky and somewhat broken.

He didn't have to say that he was in love with Y/N Jones, Fp could see it in the young boy's actions. While Richie still cradled her head gently in his hands, Fp grabbed hold of his son in a bridal style.

"I'm going to get help," Richie looked up at the older man with pleading eyes. She couldn't die. Not yet, "if she dies, you die, got it Tozier?"

"Y-yes sir."

While Fp walked away, and Jughead whined out his sister's name, Richie continued to brush her hair gently and whisper sweet nothings.

"Wake up baby. Come on wake up for me."

(Happy new year!! this was a request from @1-800-CRINGING ! Thank you  for the request lovely and sorry it's so bad. Have a safe and lovely new year lovelies! 2019 we are coming for you bitch <3 )

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