Stanley Uris request || simon says.

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(This is a request from @Evie238453 ! Thank you for requesting and sorry that this is so bad <3 )

Stanley loves to play games.

"I didn't fuck Richie Tozier!"

Yet another argument, yet another yelling match. Whenever Y/N hung out with another boy, jealous Stanley would rise to the surface. In a living room of broken picture frames and shattered vases, Stanley's face was red with anger.

"You would've liked to though wouldn't you?! You fucking slut!!!"

Y/N's jaw was clenched shut and fists tightened.

"I never fucked Richie! Or Bill like you accused me of last week! Or Mike the week before that!!"

"Prove it!!"

Y/N didn't know what to say. Or what to do in that case.


"Prove that you really love me like you say you do!-"

"Oh my god this isn't a game of fucking 'Simon says' Stanley!!"

Stanley stood only centimeters away from Y/N now. She could feel his hot breath fanning her face.

"Show me you love me," Y/N was now at a loss of words, "get on your knees."

(again this is so bad. I'm sorry! <3 )

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