Mike Wheeler || please don't leave me.

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I'm always saying how I don't need you but it's always gonna come right back to this

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I'm always saying how I don't need you but it's always gonna come right back to this. Please, don't leave me.

His hand gripped hold of hers, careful not to rip out any of those needles or tubes that ran into her skin. He was very delicate with that fact. The heart monitor sounded behind him but all he took notice of was her chest rising then gently falling. Mike had sat there for hours, not going to the bathroom, not getting food, or even changing his dirty clothing. He couldn't leave.

"I remember the first time we met," he was trying to hold back the tears as much as possible, "I was by myself in the playground and...I saw you. It was a few days after I became friends with Will and...our friend group was already growing. You were always smiling, that front teeth missing grin," he smiled and slightly laughed at the memory, shaking his head, "I walked over to the both of you and asked if I could help build that shitty block tower...and you said yes."

The tears couldn't stop now as those memories flooded into his mind. Y/N and Will and that stupidly wonky block tower. Everyday they tried to build that, everyday they failed.

"You taught me all I know, from the walkie talkies to the nerdy science classes with Mr Clark," every time that name was mentioned, she would always say 'bless his soul'. That teacher were the party's favourite, "you always laid down on the ground with me. Just staring at the basement ceiling in silence. Like we were comfortable in silence," those nights were the date nights they waited for. A night of food and games to laying on the ground, each one opposite the other but heads close together, "I just wanna kiss you and make you feel alright...you're my angel...my queen...and I will give you everything. If you come back to me," he started to sob and placed his head into the sheets of the uncomfortable hospital bed. But the feeling of a hand running through his hair, it was soothing. So homely. Looking up through tear filled eyes, Y/N smiled through the oxygen mask.

"Didja miss me?"

(I just went and saw P!NK in concert so I'm obsessed with her...like usual <3 )

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