Richie tozier || crown.

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The hallways double doors slammed open, causing all attention now to be on the person walking in. And here she was, queen bee, walking in a stride. The boy's eyes looked her up and down and the girl's gave her glares. She didn't care. She never did. Y/N caught eye of the leather jacketed boy leaning on the lockers, cigarette between chapped lips. Richie Tozier. Of course. Her two fingers pulled the lit cigarette from his lips and pressed a kiss from her cherry lips instead. He could be addicted to those lips. His hands laid gently on her hips and her arms twisted around his neck, cigarette resting near the locker door.

"The queen has arrived," he smiled at her.

"The rightful queen actually," her red lips had left a stain on Richie's lips, "and my reign has just begun," her hand twisted in his hair, knowing that the curls wouldn't stay handled for long, "all I need now is a king."

His fingers picked the cigarette from her grip. It found its way back to his lips, and the smoke travelled into the air.

"Well you're looking at him, your highness."

She took the cigarette out of his lips once again and laid a kiss as a replacement.

"You won't be able to handle it baby."

And with that, she strutted away, cigarette still between her fingers, his lips taste still hanging on.

(I'm so sorry this is so bad.)

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