Richie Tozier || caving.

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(They are a little bit older in this imagine <3 )

When the raindrops fell down from the sky, the day you left me, an angel cried

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When the raindrops fell down from the sky, the day you left me, an angel cried.

He sat on the hood of his car, like always, with a smoke in between chapped lips. It had been such a habit. Now that his curls couldn't be tamed and his thick glasses had disappeared, Richie Tozier had become a mess. The squeak of a close by store door brought him out of his many daydreams, of what he could have done differently. What he could've done to make her stay. But the figure coming towards the car next to him was oh so familiar. And when they were close enough, Richie missed every feature he hadn't seen in months now. Y/N L/N.

"Richie? Is that you?" she was too nervous to step much further to the person who became a stranger.

"It's been a long time baby-" he immediately caught onto the old nickname that slipped from his tongue, "shit, sorry, I know I can't call you that anymore. Just an old damage."

She nods her head. She held herself from calling him one of her sweet nicknames. Richie grabbed a cigarette from his jean pocket and placed it in replacement for the burnt out one that now laid on the concrete ground, as he grabbed a lighter. Y/N's eyes widened and walked paces to his front, ribbing out the cigarette from his lips and throwing it to the ground alongside the other, "since when did Richie Tozier smoke?!"

"Since the day you walked out on me," his teeth were clenched together, but their faces were just inches apart.

"Smoking will kill you Rich."

"Good. Maybe I want to be dead. There's nothing for me to be here for anymore."

Her eyes glossed over. Hearing those words come from his mouth was just devastating, "you don't mean that Richie."

She could feel his breath on her face as he grew closer, if that was even possible, "I'm better off dead now. Because the best thing that happened to me walked out."

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