Patrick Hockstetter || always.

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It was always you

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It was always you.

Y/N had never met the Bower's gang. She had never seen their smirks, or the ways they treat people, mainly women. But once she walked out of Patrick's bathroom and saw those grins with dirty eyes on her figure that was wrapped in only a towel, she automatically didn't like her boyfriend's friends.

"Well hello," Henry said with a grin while his eyes traced her body up and down, "what do we have here?"

"Back off Henry," Patrick spoke with gritted teeth and a hiss.

"I'm not doing anything Patrick, I'm just simply admiring her beauty," his hands covered the bulge growing in his dirty pants.

The other boys chuckled at Henry's flirty disgusting ways, for only Patrick to stand from his seat and walk to Y/N who still stood in disgust. Patrick laid his hands upon her shoulders, "go get dressed baby."

She only nodded, scrambling up the stairs while holding the towel tightly. She was too scared to speak. Only seeing Henry Bowers made her heart race. Patrick turned back to his friends, seeing their smirks and the biting of their lips. Patrick had had enough of Henry taking anything and everything he wanted, and he wasn't going to let Henry take or hurt Y/N. So a punch to the face is the only thing that Patrick would give Henry without a second thought.

(this was a request from my comments a while ago. Sorry I forgot who it was and sorry that it took so long. And I know this is bad as, sorry about that too. It's just a lot of sorry today but look at that cute ass face!  <3)

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