Chapter 1-Past Events

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Your POV
"(Y/N) I got an important experiment I want you to check"Gaster
"Um ok but I'll be there shortly I'm putting the final touches on the lodge in Snowdin"you replied
(I wonder what could it be this time, I hope it's not another FIGHT with him to test out my magic again)

*You finish putting the last of the furniture in the lodge and headed straight to Hotland by taking a trip with the Boatman.

But on the trip way to Hotland the boat man was oddly quiet this time around.Usually they will say random stuff or just say anything to keep the awkward silence to a minimum.
*You got off the boat and said "Thank you" to...umm him? her? Idk

"I hope it all works out for you in the end"Boatman said as the boat then turns into a boat cat and zoomed away.
"Umm thank you, I guess"(Y/N) said
*You then proceed into the lab to see the Monitors still keeping an eye out for humans...despite being one yourself.<Or half-self>
"Hey (Y/N)" both Alphys and Undyne glad to see you.
"Yo glad to see you two are close as ever"you said grinning <To see the soon to be couple>

<Undyne and Alphys are just friends during and off work but both refuses to take any further steps into their "friend" relationship>

*Both of them blushed but Undyne furiously chases after you and YOU run for dear life to Gaster's lab...the only safe zone when things get out of hand.
*You were close to the elevator but Undyne blocks you with a wall of blue spears.
"Ahhh fffuuuu"you said in a "I'm gonna be screwed" tone.
"Good warm up Punk but I wasn't gonna let you walk away like last time" still flustered Undyne said.
"Well is there a chance a DVD of Mobile Suit Gundam movie will change your mind"You said :)
Undyne pauses for a moment
I'll make a new flavor of insta ramen?"You said in a last resort push
"... Fine"Undyne
*Undyne has spared you... for now.

(It always good to be prepared)
"Now let's get serious"you said
You headed down to the elevator seeing the some new volunteers from the Underground.
It always put you in a bad mood "put on smile" Gaster's words echo in your mind when you complain about a problem that has no promising solutions.

<Hmm what's the problem you thinking well it's the lack of medicine and magic from the Underground >

*You walk through them to Gaster's private lab.
*You just stood in front of Gasters lab door
"I'm here teleport me in"you said in Wing Dings.

<I'm using a phone so I'm to lazy to translate.
Throughout here you speak in Wing Dings because your talented>

A giant Skeleton hand ,with a hole in the palm, appeared above you and immediately slams to the ground right where you were, your body passing through the hole of the palm.
"I will never get used to that" you said walking all dizzy like
"Maybe your just weak minded little man."Gaster smirked
"Yeah yeah whatever what's the experiment you wanna show me" you say.
"It's right in those tubes"Gaster pointed behind him

"Oh damn is this... are these kids?" You say in wonder,how he easily made 7 other kids.
(There's no way Gaster can accomplish this, it took a hundred tries with leftover Determination just to make me)

"At what cost..did you accomplish this?"You say in calm tone.
*Gaster proceeded to show me his soul.All of the magic of Bravery ,Integrity,Patience,Perseverance,Patience and Kindness were gone from his soul ,only the color of  a faint blue shrouded by Darkness was left
(He shattered his soul?!)
"I can't understand, why did you do this?How are we gonna explain this to everyone in the Underground especially to the King and Queen!How was this even possible?!My soul is nothing but Darkness (with a faint of red) just to keep a soul inside an artificial being would prove impossible yet you made 7 just that easily?!"you complained
"Calm down.Take your time to breathe"Gaster finally says something.
"Saying easily made" wasn't an accurate word of choice when talking about those seven"Gaster says.
"This will be my last gamble I will ever be proud of doing" Gaster says.
"Last?" You responded
"Indeed the process was...excruciating but the outcome was successful nonetheless.But it appears I only have a certain amount of time for my existence."Gaster says.
"How long do you got?" you ask
Gaster had a sad expression
"Only for me to know and you having nothing to worry about" Gaster says.
You didn't like that answer and he sees it.
"Well that's not the only thing I wanted you to know"Gaster changes the mood.

"Ok what now because MY head is gonna explode with any BIG news that your gonna throw at me?!!"
You mentally braced yourself.
"Well since you say that then I'll tell  you later"Gaster smirks
"What?"you say
Skeleton hand appears above you
"Wait what?"you say
*Now your back home in Snowdin
"WAAAIIIIIITT WHAAAAAA"you head exploded
<Not literally>

<Next Time>
Waaaiiit hold it right there, you better make him explain this shiiii!!!

<Haha...nah Next time... for realz>


Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now