Chapter 94 Babe

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<Another Smut Scene incoming...Couldn't delete it if I wanted too>

**You have been warned..Again
Your POV

*You walked over to SF!Chara and resumed watching the movie laying behind her.
"I thought you two were gonna fight"SF!Chara
"Well if we did this house would be ash"
"Then we'll get a new one"SF!Chara
"Nah..I like this house.I fought for it so we can be together"
"Stop saying nice things"SF!Chara
"Then..I won't say anymore then"
*She turns around
"What did you do to me?"SF!Chara
"What do you mean?"
"I want you to keep..loving me"SF!Chara
*You kissed her lips

"Just ask"
"Not that!I want to be with you all the time!"SF!Chara blushing
"Have you never fall in love before"
"Of course not!"SF!Chara
*You gave her another kiss

"I felt the same thing when I started my relationship with them.So what are you feeling now?"
"I want to kiss you"SF!Chara
"See.I told you you're very distracting.Now what am I going to do about you"
"Kiss me"SF!Chara getting closer
"Heh..You know my love is like a drug.Once you taste it you keep on begging for more"
"You drugged my breakfast?!"SF!Chara
"Pfft No..I'm just making an example of what your asking for.But now you let me experience..a new type of love.And now I'm going to get addicted if I keep being with you"
"It's not my fault you keep touching me"SF!Chara
"It is.Your damn body drives me crazy.How can I not"
"Don't you..oh right they never felt it before.Can I brag about that before you do it?"SF!Chara

"You cheeky girl..You can but don't blame me if they want to keep me away from you"
"Hah I'll fight them for you"SF!Chara
"Well you can't hurt them and they can't hurt you.So what can you do then?"
"I'll..steal you"SF!Chara
"Heh one of them already tried that"
"Then I'll drive you crazy until you can't thinking about this"SF!Chara
*She grabbed your wrist and lead you towards her legs.She then leads upwards making feel her butt then her chest

"You can get all this..Every fucking day.Whenever you want"SF!Chara
"What a dangerous woman I fell in love with.Your offer is tempting but I'll do it my way.So you can go crazy about this"You said and let her feel your stick.

"Mmmm~.Lets go again"SF!Chara
"Later..Lets take it easy on the whole love making thing"
"Aww but you love it"SF!Chara
"Hell Yeah I do..But the more I spend time here the more I don't wanna leave"
"Then don't.Stay.And fuck me till your dry"SF!Chara
"Stop tempting me.My heart is already beating fast as it is"
"Can't you feel mine too?But I'll stop.Im satisfied with our little date"SF!Chara

*You kissed her lips again.You rubbed her chest and hear her moan.She puts her legs around yours and she got closer.You stopped.
"No wait I can't-
*She pulls you back into a kiss.She wrap both of her arms around your neck and locking you in for a kiss.You tried to pull her arm away but her grip is tight.She plays with your tongue and finally she backs off.

"Fuck me you bitch"SF!Chara
*You teleported away.You placed your hand on your chest and feel your heart beating fast.
*SF!Chara stood up
"Wait I'm sorry I won't be forceful again!"SF!Chara

*You teleported behind her,wrapped your arms around her stomach and sat back down on the couch.
"(Y/N)?"SF!Chara try's to look at you
"Like I said.You're dangerous"
"Are you mad?"SF!Chara
"I'm sorry"SF!Chara
"I know.Now it's time for your punishment"
*You said and slipped your hand to her puss

"(Moans)Wait..oh fuck"SF!Chara
*You rubbed her slow then slowly picking up the pace.
"Oh my god (Y/N)!"SF!Chara
"Shh.You'll wake Asriel this time"
"Teleport us on the bed!"SF!Chara holding her moans
"No..I'm doing what I want with you.Now hold back your damn moans"
"Slow down you fucker!"SF!Chara
*You slipped in your fingers inside

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now