Chapter 44 Accomplish

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Your POV

*You were on your way home with Frisk and the sleeping Chara.You see Frisk smiling along the way for some reason
"Is my jacket that cozy"
"It is..but I just like it for a different reason"Frisk
"Oh.What is that?"
"I tell you later"Frisk said as she hugs your arm
"Heh ok"
*You asked Frisk to call Undyne
"No answer"Frisk
(Guess she went to sleep)
*You think about calling Happstablook
(Nah she will just keep talking forever)

"(Y/N) whats this item feature on the phone?"Frisk
"That's the feature that I wanted to tell you later"
"..So can you tell me now?"Frisk
"But Chara's asleep"
"I'll just tell her later.Is it really that important for you to explain it to the both of us?"Frisk
"Not really..Okay that feature is useful for storing small objects like food or tools"
"So its like a backpack?But where does it go?"Frisk
"It goes into the phone"
"Um how?"Frisk
"That doesn't help me understand"Frisk
"Well how about I teach you the basics at home"
"Is it that complicated?" Frisk
"Yes.Since theres different kinds of magic there's also different ways you can use it"
"How many kinds of magic are there?"Frisk
"That depends.But the most common are white and blue magic"
"Oh like Undyne spears!"Frisk
"Yes.Undyne could also use yellow magic that changes the direction of her spears"
"Is magic depends on the color?"Frisk
"Correct.Im glad your understanding this so well"
*She smiles
"Depending on the color it has different effects.Like Undyne's spears that could hurt you.Theres magic that can heal you.And that's Green magic."
"Can you use green magic?"Frisk
"Sadly no.Green magic is difficult to learn or to even possess.Not many monsters knows it"
"But you can take hits,make your body heat up,go insanely fast and shine bright.What magic is that?"Frisk
"That's something only I can use.It has no color.So there's no way to categorize it"
"Is it rare to have?"Frisk
"I guess.But this magic was given to me.I had it from the start"
"Ever since you were born?"Frisk
"..Created seems a more suitable word"
"What's the difference?"Frisk
"Being "born" means you had parents.Being "created"...its on a different level"you said in a sad tone
"Sorry did I ask something to make you upset?"Frisk
"No!I'm fine.Talking about my past doesn't bring any fond memories"
"Sorry I won't ask again"Frisk said said in a sad tone
"Frisk..I'll tell you eventually.So you can stop apologizing"
"Ok...I'll stop"Frisk
*You finally at Snowdin and went back home

*You settled the sleeping Chara onto the couch.You lit the fireplace and sat next to Chara.
"I can't believe she slept through the cold"Frisk
"Yeah...Frisk sit down for a bit"You said as you got up
"Okay?"Frisk said as she did
*You checked Frisk's leg if they're cold
"(Sigh)Frisk I told you to tell me"
"They're not cold!"Frisk argued
"I'm not interested in lies"
*You picked up Frisk and put her legs near the fireplace while your kneeling on your legs.
"There.Now Stay here while-"
*She holds onto your shirt's sleeve
"Can we stay like this for awhile?"Frisk
"Frisk..This position isn't very comfortable on my legs"
"Oh"Frisk said as she can see
*You sat down and stretched your legs while Frisk lay her body onto yours.You two were getting cozy by the fireplace

"Frisk you know we just did this a moment ago"
"But my legs are cold"Frisk said cutely
"So you were lying to me"
"I'm never trusting you again"
"So you won't believe me..if I..say I l-love you?"Frisk said softly
*You were taken aback of what she said
" are so adorable"You said and hold her tighter
"'re not gonna respond to what I said?!"Frisk
"Sorry..but can you say that again so I know you're definitely not lying?"You said as you stare at her
"..I love you"Frisk
"Hey you said you wou-"Frisk
*You kissed her to be
"Sorry I'm not very good with words"
*She went silent
"That was payback for what you did"
*She lightly punches you repeatedly
"Aw see adorable"you said and hold her closer
"(Y/N) could you continue where we left off?"Frisk
"The kissing part?"You said as you stare at her
"NO!!The magic part stupid"Frisk
"Oh alright.But I forgot where we left off"You said as you stare at the fire with Frisk
"It's the part about different color magic"Frisk
"Oh right.The last colored magic is orange.Orange magic is the opposite of blue magic.You can faze through it but you have to move your body or you'll get damaged"
"So blue don't move and orange move.Got it"Frisk
"And you just learned the basics"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now