Chapter 36 Unexpected

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Your POV

(There's no way)
"I also heard they like to rip their legs off"? said
"We never even seen a spider"
"...I also heard...They're awfully sweet to (Y/N).Wait what?"? said
(Well it could be but..)
"Asriel get on my back and hold on tight.Frisk block any attack that comes from the sides.Chara stay up front and try to warn or block incoming attacks."
"Ok"Frisk and Chara
"What about me?"Asriel said on your back
"Asriel if we somehow get into a bad spot I want you to use your magic on us so we can escape"
"Got it"Asriel
"Oh you finally ready to FIGHT?Well how about we start..."
*A giant Cupcake Spider appears through the tall grass
"Oh what the-"Chara
"Ok change of plans"you said
*You grabbed Frisk and Chara by their wrist and ran towards to Hotland
*The Giant Cupcake Monster is hopping towards you aggressively
"Why are we heading this way?!"Chara
"Because it's a Giant freakin Spider.Im sure he doesn't like the heat"you replied
*They looked back.The Giant Monster is slobbering aggressively
"But what about Happstablook"Frisk
"I'm sure Happstablook would want this to happen so she can write about it"
"But we said we come by"Frisk
"I call her later.Now get ready to jump"
*You all get ready to jump on the wooden board to get across the other side
*You jumped but your leg was caught by a sticky web coming from the Giant Monster and fell on your face.
(Oh no)
*But every time it tries to pull you in.You keep stealing that energy
"What just pull him in already!"?said
*Chara rushes towards you cutting off the Spider String
"(Y/N)..Asriel lets go"Chara
*Chara picked you up and ran towards Frisk.You all jumped on the wooden board and drifted to safety
"Whew glad that's over"Chara
*You hear a loud noise
*You look back at the Giant Monster.Its gone
*You looked up and see a giant shadow
(Oh no)
"Hit the ground!"you yell
*The Giant Monster tried to squish you but was stopped by you.The momentum of the Giant Monster was absorbed and you threw it into the lake.
*Looks like it's wrapper is coming off.It struggles to touch land and eventually reaches it.Looks like it's tired.
"Now it's over"you said
"Oh I think it's just getting started"?said
*A swarm of tiny spiders crawled out the grass,hanging down on the stalactites,and blocking the path
"So do you wish to be eaten or baked?"?said
"What's the difference?"Chara
"You either taste delicious and be a sold in my bakery or be a feast to my little dearies"?said
"Muffet is that you?"You asked
"...(Y/N)?The (Y/N) that stays in the Entrance of the Underground?"
"Yes.How many (Y/N)'s do you know?"you said
*Muffet appears
"..Well you be surprised how many names are whispered in the Underground"Muffet
"Can you please call off your...dearies"you said
"Oh right"Mufffet
*Muffet's dearies quickly vanished into the darkness
"So are you gonna explain why you attacked us?"You asked
"Oh sorry.Im afraid I can't say"Muffet
"Why not?"
"A person paid a very large sum of money to not say a word"Muffet
(Ah dang it I can't make her talk now)
"(Sigh)Fine but can you not attack us again"
"Well sure.But for the right price"Muffet
"...Ok.What do you want?"you asked
"You already know my answer"Muffet
*You picked your pockets
"Here"you said
*You gave Muffet 500G
"Thank you dearie.Hope we meet again.Huhuhu"
(I'll make sure that never happens)
*Muffet leaves the area

"(Y/N)"Chara and Frisk
*You look at them
"Explain everything!"Chara and Frisk
*You told Frisk and Chara that Muffet is your friend unless she's been paid not to be.She only thinks money and care for spiders.
"But why do they want us so badly?"Frisk
(Because who wouldn't)
"Because who wouldn't want you two"you said accidentally
*They had a shocked reaction
"(Y/N) quit being-"Chara
"Honest?"You said
"Yes!"Chara and Frisk
"Alright.But this is the reason I don't want to leave you.If I hadn't come.You two would've been eaten by that Giant Monster"
"Hey I got you out of that sticky situation"Chara
*Frisk and Asriel chuckled
"I can't believe that slipped out of my mouth"Chara
"I'm so proud"Frisk
"No..Quit being proud about that!"Chara
"I thought that was clever"you said
"I still don't care!"Chara
"Why don't you like puns?"you asked
"Frisk just says them so much I get annoyed"Chara
"Really?"You said with a smirk
"...Don't you dare start"Chara
*You stare at her
"Heh I wasn't even thinking about that.Lets just go to Happstablook"
*You all went to Happstablook house but no one's home.You think for a moment and went to the Lab
"Ok why are we going to the Lab?"Chara
"I want Alphys to make you two something"
"What is it?"Frisk
"You'll see"

*You went inside the Lab and see Alphys looking at anime
"Hey Alphys"you said
"Waaah!!(Y/N) you scared me!"Alphys
"Well if you weren't busy watching anime you would saw us at the front door"
"That still doesn't ma-"Alphys says and notices the humans
"Oh hello...(Y/N) what are they doing here?"Alphys whispered
"I wanted you to make them..(whisper whisper)"
"Oh if that's all I don't mind.Just give me a moment"
"Alright will be here waiting"
*You look at the three
"Are you guys hurt?"
"Your the only one that got hit during that FIGHT"Chara
"I was just checking"you said
*You feel light headed
"Are you guys hungry?"You asked
*Alphys returns
(Oh thank Asgore)
*Alphys gave the humans cellphones.Green for Chara and Blue for Frisk
"Wow Thanks Alphys"Frisk
"But why are you giving us this?"Chara
"So you call for help"you replied
"Oh so you don't want to come along with us?"Chara
"No I do!Its just for emergency is I-I mean if we can't find you"you said
"Mm ok"Frisk said happily
"Your cellphone has already mine,(Y/N)'s,and Undyne's number.So everything should be fine."Alphys
"Did you added "that" feature"you asked
"Yes.Of course"Alphys
"What is it?"Frisk
"I tell you when-"you said
"Hey punks what you guys doing here?"Undyne
*Undyne appears
"H-Hey Undyne!"Alphys
"Sup nerd"Undyne
"I-i was just g-giving the humans some n-new phones."Alphys
"Ah cool so we can finally talk whenever!"Undyne
"Yup"you said
"Welp we're going to Waterfall now.Later.Thanks Alphys!"You said
"Uhm goodbye"Alphys
"(Y/N)!Whats with the rush?"Frisk
"Heh I tell you guys on the way"
*You told the humans about Undyne and Alphys relationship
"Oh my..Really?!"Frisk
"They both like each other but they've been like that for ages?"Frisk
"Indeed.I tried to push them further but they always somehow go back to same place"
"Ha are you playing Cupid?"Chara
"Oh right sorry.It's just a person who likes to help others to make them into couples"Chara
"Oh.Yeah I guess I am playing Cupid"
"Despite being single your whole life"Chara
"Well yes but...I think I found somebody I'm interested in"You said while looking at her
"Quit it!"Chara said
"(Y/N) I've been wondering"Asriel
(Oh don't you do it)
"Do you like like Frisk and Chara?"Asriel
(Oh my god)
"Asriel there's a time and place where you should consider asking such questions.But...(whisper)"
"Oh ok but that's all the way-"Asriel
"Yeah I know but I do plan on taking them there"
"Stop with the whispers"Frisk and Chara
*You looked at them
"Never"you said it with a smirk
*They had an irritated look
*You feel a little light headed again
"Asriel sorry I can't carry you.You have to walk the rest of the way"you said as you put him down
"Are you ok?"Asriel
"Yeah I ju-"
*You knocked out

Next Time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now