Chapter 104 Judges

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Your POV

*You walked out of the Throne Room and headed for the Judgement Hall
*You entered the Judgement Hall and see all Twelve Judges standing by in their respective Pillars.
*You change your clothes

*You wore a dark blue purplish robe with the gold Delta Rune on its back.You also wore a gold sweater and black pants with a golden fade at the bottom legs.You wore your hood and entered the Hall.
< Four Sins,Four Generals, and Four True Judges>
<I'll let you guess who those four are>

"Well well Well..Someone looks dressed up" Pride
"And looking shiny" Greed
"Finally ready to tell us something?" Pain
"Or is it about the humans that suddenly popped out of nowhere" Sloth

"Well yes and thank you for your compliments.The humans that arrived here are not to be harmed but well guarded"

"Aren't we just going to use them in the end?"Bravo
"We can't keep these monsters in good behavior forever you know"Charlie

"It's only temporary.I came here to tell you all I can break the Barrier now"

"Ha ha..So did you kill Gaster, after all?" Lie
"..Half and half"
"So you took part in his death" Execution
"Wow you are cold.But is it really the Truth about the Barrier?" Truth
"Yeah it will break on the Prince's Birthday"
"Ho Ho So soon" Mercy
"But why are you telling us this?" Sloth
"Shouldn't this news be brought up to the whole Kingdom?" Pride

"No, all of this will be announced when the Barrier is broken.Lets make this a celebration they'll never forget"
*They all talked amongst their respective groups

"I assume you told the Majesties correct?" Alpha
"I told them right away.They will order all of us to scout the Surface for potential threats.But we can't go around hurting humans"

"What?!" Pride
"All the years in this Underground and no revenge?!"Pain

"I think we've all suffered long enough.You wouldn't want your children to relieve what you went through right?"
"I'll take that as a no"

"All in favor to the Gatekeeper's words?"Truth
"Agreed"They all said
"Then we shall prepare until that day comes.Is there anything else Gatekeeper?"Alpha
"Just one more...Did any of you spot a black figure that appeared in the Kingdom about a week ago?"
"Ah yes that was me" Sloth
"I don't believe you"
"I never seen you walk before"
"Well it was far away.I wanted to know what it was"Sloth
"Well that black figure was my clone"

"It's part of my new upgrade.Anyways if you see anything like that, assume it was me"
"Prove it"Alpha
*You created three clones behind you
"It was fast it strong?" Pride
*You absorb them back

"Entertaining you isn't part of my job.Only telling you the truth.I have nothing more to discuss"
"Well then please be on your way"Charlie
"And tell your clone to stop attacking monsters on the streets"Greed
"It's not attacking.Its more like draining their energy"

*You left the Judgement Hall and walked towards the walkway where the Kingdom is in view.
(Uh Yes?)
(How long are you gonna be out?)
(Well not long..barely any negativity)
(Well their won't be because the Prince's Birthday is coming up)
(Oh that's why I keep seeing smiles,decorations and banners around)
(Yeah...I'll be near the Throne Room.There's Royal Guards here.Its well guarded unlike the other Undergrounds)
(So how do I get back to you?)
(Teleport back on the roof of the house in Snowdin..I'll meet you there later)
(And you are going where?)
(To see if the humans finished eating.If they are, I'll be there soon.If they're not, then they're probably still talking)
(Got it)

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