Chapter 50 Call

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Your POV

*Frisk put the phone on speaker
"Hello"you said
"(Y/N) why weren't you answering!"Undyne
"I was busy"
"...I got bad news"Undyne
"What is it?"
"It's Gaster.He needs you.I think he's not gonna be around for long"
"(Y/N) get here soon"Undyne
*Undyne ended the call

"(Y/N)?"Frisk and Chara
"I think I have to go"
"We know"Frisk
"Just go"Chara
"What about you two?"
"We can go to Happstablook"Frisk
"Now go"Chara
*You kissed them
"I promise I'll come back until it's over"
"We'll be waiting"Frisk
"And you can stay with us until your happy again"Chara
*You gave them a hug
"Please stay safe"
"We know"Frisk
"Now hurry up"Chara
*You left Chara and Frisk

*You rushed towards the Lab at a fast paced you never felt before.
*You arrived at Hotland and entered through the Lab
*Nobody is on the top floor.You headed down the elevator
*You see a bunch of Monitors and Royal Guards

"Hey (Y/N) is here!"Monitor
"Where is he?"You asked
"Over here you blind fool"Gaster
*You see Gaster in a melting state
"You didn't!"
"Oh is it that obvious"Gaster
"What the hell were you thinking?!"
"If I didn't I would've been dead a long time ago.Now quickly come here.There are things I want to show you"Gaster
*Gaster showed you some papers about you.It had a list of your progress and development in magic.

"Gaster I already know all this"
"I know that.Look at the last page"Gaster
*You looked and see what your magic capabilities.List of potential possibilities that you're only capable of.
"What did you want me to do?"
"Absorb my power and...I tell you the rest when you agree"Gaster
"You know I never done this you know"
"I am Dr.Gaster.The Royal Scientist of the Underground.Don't Tell me what your not capable of"Gaster
"Well don't be disappointed if I fail"
*You use Power Absorption
*You felt an overwhelming magic power circulate in your soul and a new understanding of magic and science flashing in your mind
*You finished absorbing

"So how do you feel?"
"Do you remember your true purpose.Not that other one"
"Yeah of course"
"Then..go and absorb those humans power"
"...Gaster what are you planning?"
"It... fucking wasn't even enough.I..killed the seven"
"I'm sorry what?!"
"The machine needed DT and I used the seven.But it failed now go!"
"You idiot!Were you that desperate to get one machine to work?!"
"This machine..was design to go through time.If I got this to work I could get seven human souls and return to free monsters in this timeline"
"...But that doesn't mean it's forgivable if you succeeded!They were literally a part of you!"
"Quiet Boy!I am the only one who sacrificed everything!...Ah it won't matter..everything is gonna be ok in the end"
"I won't absorb the humans powers or souls"
"And why not!"
"Because I know how to break the barrier"
"Wait how much-...what did you absorb?"
"You IDIOT!You don't know what you just did"
"I'm surprised your even still alive"

*Everyone backed up

"I was sure I absorb all the DT from you"
"What do you mean...why?"
"Gaster I trusted you but...Your sins from the past will not be forgiven that easily.Even if you managed erase everyone's memories"You said with glowing red eyes
"You don't underst-"Gaster
"No I do.Erasing their memories will continue your work.But Sadly that won't matter.Don't worry old friend when I break the barrier I will get enough DT from the humans in the surface and go back in time in your place"

"You won't even get this thing to work.Theres something wrong with it"Gaster
"I see nothing-"
*Gaster unhooks some wires and start up the machine
(He's overloading the machine.Its going to explode)
"You're going to understand why you're an idiot"Gaster
"I don't think so"
(Energized Body)

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now