Chapter 113 Invites

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Your POV

*You felt someone shaking your body.You opened your eyes and see that your in a black void.
(This is new)
*You got up...your perception of depth is poor with the lack of light.You let your body glow white and see your in a grey hallway.You walk through the grey hall and see a door.You opened it and see...
(Oh this is better be a dream)

"Greetings (Y/N).I am W.D Gaster..But you probably knew that"W.D Gaster
"Your not my Gaster so what brings you in my Universe?"
"I'm here to ask for your help"W.D Gaster
"And why should I help you?"
"You'll see..Soon..Very soon.You will hear a familiar voice calling for you and you won't be able to help solve their problem this time"W.D Gaster
"So Who is this voice?"
"Hahaha.Could you at least try hiding your intentions?So eager to help huh (Y/N)"W.D Gaster
"I didn't mention my name"
"I'll tell you everything when that day comes.Enjoy the rest of your day (Y/N)"W.D Gaster

*Gaster's body suddenly got really droopy until his whole body collapsed and became nothing but a black puddle.You walked out and see nothing but white.
"Hey there you are"Partner
"What do you mean?"
"I sense you fell asleep but your consciousness suddenly disappeared..I thought you died"Partner
"...More trouble is about to come"
"The hell you talking about?"Partner
"If you couldn't sense me when I was dreaming then my mind was probably pulled to another plane of existence"
"I have no clue what the hell you're saying"Partner
"What I'm saying is that you need to get stronger.Your my only shield when it comes to mental attacks"
"So you want me to take control over your mind?"Partner
"No I want you to kick the shit out of the next person that try's to corrupt my mind"
"Alright..That means I'm special"Partner
"That means I'm the only exception to fuck your head"Partner
"I will procreate with Chara with you in my head"
"Hey chill!No need for threats!"Partner
"Stop saying weird shit!"

*You still felt someone shaking your body
"Yeah they have been doing that for quite awhile"
"(Sigh) Tell me sooner you Jack"

*You opened your eyes and see everyone above you
"Took forever"Chara
"Were you actually sleeping?"Frisk
"Yeah...What time is it?"
"Umm..Past noon"Frisk
"Ah shoot"
"I was planning on checking something in the Lab"
"Then go"Chara
"What about you guys?"
"Well Take us home then we can just watch movies again and hang out"Chara
"Want me to call Undyne over?"
"No she's still working I bet"Chara
"Nah I'm calling her"

*You called Undyne...
"Hey Punk.What do you need?"Undyne
"Are you still Guarding?"
"Uhhh naw..I just finished.."Undyne
"Wanna come over and watch movies with the four humans?"
"Heck yeah I would!"Undyne
"Undyne why are you yelling?"Drake
"I'll be there Punk don't start without me"Undyne loudly whispered
*End Call

"She's coming"
"So is she also a robot?"SS!Chara
"No she's a fish monster"Chara
"Oh that's new"Chara
"She's a robot in your Universe?"Frisk
"Yeah..and an entertainer instead of a Royal Guard"SS!Chara
"Now I want them to meet each other"Chara
"Its best if they don't.If she sees another Undyne I'm sure she wants to fight"
"I'm sure dad can repair her if she gets damaged"SS!Chara
"Well I guess that's fine then"
*You created a Gaster Palm and everyone entered through

*You took a picture of the Flower Fields and went through last.
"So I'll be back later.I hope you don't cook with Undyne"
"It was just one time!"Chara
"Maybe one time I'll see a clean kitchen when I leave you"
"Shut up and go"Chara
"Heh ok"
*You kissed Frisk's and Chara's cheek
"Ugh why?!"Chara
"Because for good luck"you said and teleported to the Lab

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now