Chapter 111 Movie Night again

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Your POV

*You laid down, on your stomach, on the bed with green sheets, exhausted.

"A little"
"We didn't even do much today"Frisk
"And you rested when we went to Muffets"Chara
"I know it's just..I haven't really relaxed ever since Ink showed up.I just want take a break"
*You feel the bed shift around you.You feel someone's fingers go through your hair.
"Then rest here"Chara
"But I need to-"
"You can do that later"Chara
*You feel someone laying on your left then hugging you

"Let's just watch a movie"Frisk
"Hey where are the clothes?"Rei
"It's on top of my bed"
"I'm gonna get it"Rei
*You hear everyone moving around you and you got relaxed.Chara is still stroking your hair.

"Chara let me hug you"
"Mmm..Then tell me how was your day"
"It was wonderful as always.Since you got back I'm more happier than before"Chara
"And Frisk?"
*Frisk whispers in your ear
"I had fun..Were you planning on making "that" still?"Frisk
"Can you make a clone do it for you?"Frisk
"I could..But I love making things for you"
*Frisk kisses your head
"I love you too"Frisk
"Heh I didn't-"
"I know..Just rest..and cook it later"Frisk said and hugs you
*You hear a door opening

"Frisk Chara..Where should I put your dresses?"Rei
"You can put in my closet Asriel"
*Door closes

"Aren't we going to watch a movie?"Chara
"Well you said stay here"
"Ok I'll put something to watch"Chara
*Chara went off the bed....You feel someone taking her place by playing with your hair.You open your eyes and see SS!Chara

"You know your in trouble when she returns"
"I know but I'm not afraid"SS!Chara
*You hear the TV playing
"Chara that's my spot"Chara
"'s my spot"SS!Chara
"...That's ok..Frisk move your hand away"Chara
"Just do it"Chara
*Frisk stops hugging you but You quickly grabbed her hand and put your fingers through hers.
*Frisk kisses your head

*You feel a heavy weight crawling on your back.Chara lays on your back and she rests her chin on your right shoulder.You feel her..soft chest

"Let me hug you now"
"I'll do it"SS!Chara
"But he wants a Chara to hold"SS!Chara
"He meant me..right?"Chara
"Heh Yes I meant I meant you"
"Aw then let's do that when we get back to my Universe"SS!Chara whispers to you
"Did they heard what you said?"
"Want to show them"
"No!"Chara and Frisk
"Heh..I think I'm I should get to cooking now"
"Stay here"Frisk
"Mm you do know that Story Frisk is watching right?"
"Frisk want to join?"SS!Chara
"(Y/N) she rejected you"SS!Chara
"My soul hurts now"
*Someone is pinching your cheek

"You still got me here"Frisk
"I was just playing..Can I rest on the couch?"
"Because I want to watch the movie like we planned"
"We can watch here"Chara
"(Sigh) Fine"
*Chara got off you and you laid on your right side and see.."Pirates of the Caribbean"

"Heh did any of you watch this?"

*Frisk laid on the couch first then she offers you to lay in front of accepted.
*Chara laid in front of you leaning her head on your chest and Frisk is holding your head to her chest.

"Give me a second"You said and created a mini Gaster Palm connecting to your room

"Hey Asriels"
"Oh it's this thing again"Rei
"We're watching the movie now"
"Oh we'll be there"Asriel
"We to..take this off"Rei
"Are you wearing my robe?"
"Heh just put it on the bed I'll put it away later"
"I know"Rei
*You made the mini palms disappear

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now