Chapter 30 Morning

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Your POV

*You wake up early in the morning
*You opened your eyes and felt relieved to wake up normally again
*You got up and see Frisk and Chara still sleeping
(I better check if they have a fever)
*You touched Frisk's forehead...normal.Then Chara's forehead is...a bit hotter.You went to the kitchen and got a wet cloth and soaked it in cold water.You squeezed out the excess water and placed the wet cloth onto Chara's forehead
*You looked at the time and notice you woke up early than usual...6:40 AM
*You didn't feel tired but you decided to call Undyne
*....No answer
(Yeah I guess she wouldn't be up this early)
*You went back to the living room and put more fire wood into the fireplace and relit it.
*You checked Chara's forehead again.It seems to cool down a bit.You put the cloth away and got the second chocolate shake out of the fridge.You were about to drink it but(This one's was supposed to be for Chara).You decided to place it near her head,on the floor.You were hoping she would wake up if she smelled the chocolate but...she didn't.
"You sigh a lot and pretty loudly as well"? said
*You turned around

"What are you doing here?"You asked
"I'm here to tell you "I told you so".I warned you this was gonna happen"? said
"Well I would've prevented it if your warning was more clear and precise"
"You can't blame me.I only see what could happen not what will happen."? said
"Well your reason for your visit is already done here so just leave already...Or do you have another vague warning you would like to tell"you said
"Well yes.The person who your looking for is hiding in the Kingdom"? said
*Your eyes shot up
"WHO?!...Who is it?"you said calmly
"Sorry to say this but that's all the information I gathered.But at least you know where to look."? said
"I don't need the location.I could've ask the Dog Squad to hunt down the Monsters yesterday if I wanted the location"you replied
"I see.I guess my usefulness is not needed then."? said as they were about to leave
"No that's not what I meant.I just don't want it to happen again.I want this matter to be over before they wake up."
"Why is that?"? asked
"So they can walk around in the Underground freely without any worries"
"Yes...but why though.Why are you so persistent to give these humans,who you never knew that well,a happy life here?" ?
"...I don't know.It's just something I feel like doing"
"So you care for them"? said
"In a way"
"...Alright I guess that answers my question.I'll be leaving now."? said as they were leaving
"Boatman.Thanks for the heads up.I make sure to repay you later."
"Well you can repay me by a singing a song while taking a ride on my boat"Boatman said
*You reacted and turned to them
"How did you kn-"
*He left
"Ugh I will never know how they get their information"you said to yourself
(I can't believe that didn't wake up Asriel)
*You looked at the time...7:30 AM
(And I'm still not tired)
*You went to get the chocolate shake off the ground till Chara grabbed your hand.

"Chara!.How are you feeling?"
"...Hungry"she said weakly
"Alright just sit up straight and I'll get the food in the fridge"
*You left Chara and went to get the food in the fridge.You were deciding if you should reheat yesterday's food in the microwave or getting a fresh one.You ended up heating the food in the microwave and gave it to Chara.
"Chara-"you said
*You see Chara almost done drinking the chocolate shake
"Chara I know you like Chocolate but you shouldn't drink it early in the morning"you said
"Then why was it out here?"Chara said softly
"...I was would wake up if I put it next to you..."you said
"..(Sipping)"Chara sipped while looking away
"Just eat the omelette when you're finished with that alright."you said
*You see Frisk shuffling in her sleep

"Frisk are you awake?"you asked
*No response
*You see Chara put the cold shake cup over Frisk and pushed it against her cheek
"(Scream)What is that?"Frisk screamed softly
"Frisk are feeling fine?"You asked
"Yeah...but what happened?!"Frisk said softly
"What do you mean?"you replied
"We were attacked then suddenly Me and Chara got sleepy all of the sudden and..."Frisk said softly
"Oh that was just a dream"you replied
*Frisk sees herself and Chara patched up.Then she gave you -_- expression
"Heh...I tell you when I come back with your food alright?"
*Frisk nodded

*You got Frisk her reheated food
*She opens up the food and sees something
"Umm (Y/N) what's this?"Frisk said looking at you
*You didn't even look but said
"It's supposed to be an apology for what happened yesterday morning"you replied
*Frisk saw her omelette with ketchup spelling "I'm Sorry"on it.
"Hey how come mine doesn't have that?"Chara
"Because Chara my apology gift to you was in that chocolate shake.But you drank it without noticing it"you replied
"Ah dang it.What was it anyways"Chara said and already finished her shake
*Your face got red
"It was "I'm sorry" spelled out in whipped cream"you replied while looking at her
"Hm...I don't believe you.So you better tell me now or I'm never accepting your apology"Chara
*You looked away then looked straight at her
"...It was whipped cream on top...but it was shape like a heart"
*You see Chara blush for a moment
"Can I tell the story now!"you said
"I wanted that instead of just sorry"Frisk muttered
"What was that Frisk?"Chara said
"Nothing!Just tell us what happened"Frisk

*One moment of explanation later

"Why did you do that?!"Frisk
"You could have died you know?!"Chara
(Ugh the same conversation but with different people)
"I know but it's all over now, and my injuries were minor compared to yours"
"Liar!"Chara and Frisk
"(Sigh)Just promise to never do that again"Chara
*You looked at Chara and Frisk
"...Never"you replied
"Why not?!"Frisk and Chara
"Because I promise to protect you.And I can't keep another promise that stops me from doing that.The first promise holds more value anyways"
"...Your impossible to convince you know that"Chara
"Well if you two had beaten up those Monsters we wouldn't have this complaint"you said
"How did this come back to being our fault?!"Chara and Frisk
"I'm just saying that with all that training you two did, you would have definitely beaten those Monsters and I wouldn't have worried so much"
"How about you try FIGHTing them!They use some weird magic that makes you sleepy.I'll forget this if you manage to win against that!"Frisk
"Really are you sure about that"you said
"Hell Yeah I'm sure"Chara
"It's deal then"you said
"A deal it is"Frisk
*You notice you are too close to Chara and Frisk
"So you guys are gonna kiss orrrrrr"Asriel
*You realized what he said and stood back up

"(Sigh) Since your awake do you wanna eat?"you said
*You got Asriel's reheated food and gave it to him on the living room table
"Here Asriel eat carefully":)
"Ok I will"
*You see Asriel eating his omelette

*2 seconds later

"(Y/N)!!! My mouth is on fire!"
"No it's not"you said
"I mean the food is spicy!"Asriel
"Oh let me get you some milk"you said
*You gave Asriel a glass of milk in the fridge
*He drank it and settled down
"Sorry I think Grilby accidentally added red pepper in the omelette":)
"Do you want something else?"you asked
"Yes please"Asriel
"Then we get you something outside when Chara and Frisk are done eating.In the meantime how about you take a shower"you said
"Aww Alright"Asriel
*Asriel left to take a shower
"(Y/N) I know Asriel was too tired to see your face know we saw the whole thing"Chara and Frisk
*You looked at them
"(Evil laugh)"You said
"So it was on purpose!"Chara
"No...not fully"
"What do you mean?"Frisk
"Well the milk I gave him was to taste bad but I guess he didn't notice"
"Wait the milk was spoiled?"Frisk
"No I added a certain kicked to it.But forget about that just finish your food so we can go to the store and stock up."
*They looked at their food
"I think we're done eating"Frisk and Chara
*You looked at their food
"But you only eaten half"You said
"Yeah we're full already don't worry"Chara
*You stare at them
"...Are you thinking I put something in your food as well?"
"What!No we're just not that hungry!"Frisk
"Hm.But you slept for almost a day without eating...You know if you're trying to lie to me you got to do better than that.But if you don't eat it I'm never buying anything that has Chocolate and....Frisk what kind of flavor do you enjoy?"
"I'm not telling!"Frisk
*You looked over to Chara
"Chara?"you said
"It's vanilla"Chara
"Chara why?!"Frisk
"Because were not on even equal footing!"Chara replied
"Thank you Chara.So Frisk how about it.Eat it or your never eating vanilla flavored anything ever again"
"Mmm Fine!I'll eat it.And it better not have anything weird in it!"Frisk
*You looked at Frisk
"...Maybe(Evil laugh)"you said
"I'm just playin.I would never harm you.Now hurry up and eat it already.Also you Chara"you said
"Yeah yeah I know"Chara
"Mmm"Frisk said while eating slowly

Next Time

<Did you remember seeing something in the lake in Chapter 22?Well you saw Boatman boat being attack by rising tentacles...enough has been said>

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now