Chapter 135 Just hanging out

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Your POV

*Your still in the living room watching TV with Frisk,Chara, UT!Asriel, and UT!Chara.

*You see UT!Frisk walked down wearing blue hoodie with a white V-neck shirt and white jean shorts.You see her slender smooth looking-
*Frisk slapped your eyes and keeping her hand there

"I know what you were looking at so you better not look again"Frisk
"Spell it!"Frisk
*Frisk uncovers your eyes.You fought the urge to look at UT!Frisk's legs

"Hey Frisk"Frisk said nicely
"Hey..You guys wanted something from me?"UT!Frisk
(Them legs)
"(Y/N) wants a form to register as a citizen of the Underground"UT!Asriel
"Oh why can't Asgore do it?"UT!Frisk
"Because he doesn't have the papers"UT!Asriel
"Oh then we have to go to the Embassy again"UT!Frisk
"Don't you have one?"
"No,I just started"UT!Frisk
"That doesn't mean you don't have one"
"Well I'm doing fine without one"UT!Frisk smiling
"Your Room was a mess with papers everywhere"
*Frisk pulled your right ear

"You went into her room?"Frisk
"We only talked"
"Yeah we only talked"UT!Frisk
"That's it?"Frisk
"Um I gave her something but you have to ask her about that"
"Do you know what's he's referring to?"Frisk
"You mean the music box?"UT!Frisk
"She plays that every-"UT!Chara
"Chara!Lets not talk about that"UT!Frisk
"Well you do"UT!Chara
"Well he doesn't need to know that"UT!Frisk
*You smiled at UT!Frisk

"You can come upstairs to see it"UT!Frisk
*You got up But was quickly pulled down by Frisk to sit down.

"You stay.I'll go"Frisk
"Don't scare her you control freak"Chara
"I'm not!"Frisk
"Mhm"you and Chara
"I'm just checking"Frisk
"Have fun"
*Chara laid her head back on you left shoulder

"Continuing what we were talking about..Are you serious?"UT!Chara
"But what if we said no to your question?"UT!Chara
"I would've still gave you the budget because I wanted too"
"For who?"UT!Chara
"For everyone"
"No you do something for certain people.Who are they?"
*UT!Asriel smiles
*UT!Chara looked unamused

"Heh.I doing it for your Asriel,Frisk,Toriel and you"
"Why me?"UT!Chara
"Because you're smart enough calculate all the budget needed to build a school"
"I only know that because mom told me"UT!Chara
"So you were just repeating what your mom said?"
"That's a lie"
"How would you know?"UT!Chara
"Because he does.He can see lies somehow with his red eyes"Chara
"His eyes aren't red"UT!Chara
*Chara looks at your eyes
"How did you know she was lying?"Chara
"(Y/N) tell me"Chara
"My LV changed"
"To what?"Chara
"Well you didn't act weird so I guess you're fine.You are Fine right?In your head?"Chara
"You're not lying?"Chara
"I'm not lying"
"Then how did you know she's lying?"Chara
"Because I just had a feeling.Like how I knew Frisk was sad"
"Chara why don't you like going with Frisk?To school"
"Because I don't like humans" UT!Chara
"It's because all humans are disgusting and should just leave and die"UT!Chara
*You think to yourself

"What happened to make you think like that?"Chara
*You sense UT!Chara getting mad

"Hey my Queen, thats something she doesn't like to tell"
*You held Chara's left hand with your right

"Everyone has secrets that they won't tell.So just, don't question it"
"Do you know?"Chara
"Then I won't ask anymore"Chara
*You sense UT!Chara anger faded

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now