Chapter 77 Dance Lesson

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Your POV

*Your were practicing how to dance with Frisk and Chara.Starting with Chara

"So this is the first position then we slowly progress until you both finally can do it by heart"
"Ok"Chara and Frisk

*You spent the whole afternoon dancing with Frisk and Chara.And alternating between them spending each time carefully guiding them.
*You were about to be finish until...

*The door was kicked open

"There you are!!"Undyne yelled
*Undyne notices you looked like you were dancing


"Are you teaching?"Undyne
"Want to join?"Frisk
"Yes!"Undyne getting pumped

*Undyne joins in and Frisk is teaching her

"So why did you barge in?"
"They..was supposed to"Undyne concentrating on her footwork
"It's alright...I see didn't show"Undyne
"We'll go tomorrow"
"Well obviously...and after..I'll teach Alphys"Undyne still concentrating
"Finally taking this seriously"
*Chara stepped on your foot
"Oh sorry"Chara smiles
(You little liar)

*You slowly put your right hand lower to Chara's leg
*She stares at you
"Oh sorry"
*Chara steps on your foot again
"You're getting a bit out of it Chara.Maybe you should take a rest"
"No I'm just clumsy thats all"Chara
"Hey no flirting"Frisk
"Flirting?They sounded focus on dancing to me"Undyne
*You chuckled a bit

"We are focus Frisk"Chara
"I know flirting when I see it"Frisk
"Heh..But you rarely do it"
"Because her brain stops-"Undyne
"Undyne that's a secret!"Frisk
"A secret ayy?"
*You see Frisk's face red
"Aww it's been a while since you looked and me and instantly blushed"
*You see Frisk run upstairs to the bedroom

"I think you overloaded her"Undyne
"I'll go.You teach Undyne"Chara
"Heh ok"

*You see Chara go to the bedroom
"Shall we?"
*You and Undyne started dancing

"You grown so much since the humans arrived"Undyne
"Really? I still feel the same"
"Nah..I remembered you being unable to get along with anyone and now you got two special humans with you"Undyne
"Heh I think they got me.I will still be content even they didn't kiss me or gave me hugs"
"Hah that's one big lie"Undyne
"Heh...I think I messed up Undyne"
"What happened?"Undyne
"Nothing...But I fear that they will disappear one day and I won't be able to be like this again, if that were to happened"

"Don't worry punk.Thats why they're training with the strongest person in the Underground..besides King Asgore and Queen Toriel of course"Undyne

"...Yeah..I just don't feel confident I'll be able to keep them forever..I'm sure they want to be in the surface instead of being here and it's gonna be a new challenge which I have no experience facing"
"...I'll make sure to get your back punk.So you can put that heavy weight of worry onto me too.I like those punks..And I'm sure they will be the ones protecting you in the surface"Undyne

*You see the Frisk and Chara walked out
*Frisk seems to be back to normal
"Is she ok?"Undyne said and let go
"Yeah I'm ok"Frisk
"Do you want me to make something for dinner?"
"Heh ok"
"Make it good punk"Undyne
"Yeah I know"

*You made spaghetti and meatballs.

*You all ate in the living room watching Beauty and the Beast again with Undyne

"So is there anything you wanted to say Frisk?"Chara
"Uhhh...(Y/N) this food really makes me spaghett about my hunger"Frisk said nervously
*You chuckled
"I'm glad it meat your expectations"
"Of course it does.You done in it in the past-a right?"Frisk
"Heh..Well buying these ingredients was worth every penne if it makes you happy"
"Alright I'm leaving if you're continuing this pun off"Undyne
*You and Frisk chuckled
*You all finished eating and said goodnight to Undyne
*You hugged Frisk
*You let her go and walked upstairs
"I'm gonna take a shower.Frisk I'm glad you're ok"
*Frisk smiled

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now