Chapter 108 Meeting Charlotte

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Charlotte's POV

*I see (Y/N) walking away
(I hope he doesn't hate me)

"So tell us Charlotte"Chara
"I was on my way towards the Lab to visit my spider friends.When I got there they were chatting about a human monster below the floor.They said he was an odd little human..We ended up sneaking underneath to find out more about this new human.We eventually saw a bunch of scientists crowding around a single cell in a dark and cold hallway.We crawled into the cell and not getting seen.I saw...we saw him being ripped apart"
"I shouldn't say this"
"No tell us"Chara
"He seem mad I don't like when he's mad"
"He gave you permission.So please tell us"Frisk
"We saw his organs...being pulled out and being replaced with I guess was replacements..He seem conscious but he wasn't screaming.That made us feel uneasy..We couldn't believe what we saw..We kept watching and see his whole body being replaced slowly one by one and being stitched up.There much blood"
"I don't want to know anymore..Just get to the part where you meet..please!"Frisk

"Alright...The scientists finally finished what they were doing..We saw (Y/N)'s body healing by a skeleton hand, at a fast rate.The skeleton hand disappears and the scientists left him.The other spiders were afraid to talk to (Y/N) but I wanted to know who he was..I eventually crawled on the ceiling and slowly stringed down to his head.He was laying down and he just stared at me..His eyes were really scary back then...I finally landed on his forehead and I tried communicating with him..I got no response.I tried everything I could to make him respond but he wouldn't react to anything.I left before the scientists came back.So I left the cell and left the Lab..And since that day I visited him everyday in that lab and tried talking to him..Then one day he grabbed me"

*They all had a scared expression

"He didn't squish me but he gently put me on his palm and stared at me..I was very scared at that moment but he gently put me on the top of his head for some odd reason..Then he gently laid back down on the ground.The other spiders notice this and one by one, we were on (Y/N)'s hair..We talked in our Spider language but see (Y/N) reacting to some words we said with a bit of movement in his eyes.But the next day he waited for us to return to him.He was staring at the hole we always entered in and see him hold out his hand to us.We were surprised and we all landed on his palm.He oddly opened his mouth and tried to make a sound..but nothing..He tried doing this everyday until on a certain day he wasn't in his cell anymore.We were very worried about him so we checked the whole Sub-Lab and eventually saw scientists in one area.We checked it out and see a giant machine with a giant needle holding some red liquid..We saw the giant needle plunged into his soul and see the red liquid slowly put inside.Then suddenly the machine malfunction and they shut down the machine before it could've exploded.There was smoke coming out of the tube and see the glass shattered..We saw (Y/N) walk out with red eyes.The scientists around him all celebrated until..(Y/N) went on a killing spree"
"Asriels don't read this"SS!Chara
"I want to know"Asriel
"I want to know too"Asriel look alike

"I'm sure this is why (Y/N) doesn't like talking about his past"Chara
"This is new to me I want to know why he was kept in a cell"Asriel
"Then I hope you'll won't talk about this later"Chara
"I won't"Asriel
"Continue Charlotte"Chara

"He had a demonic smile and killed certain monsters.He didn't seem to be going through a rampage but targeting certain monsters the moment he saw them.Suddenly Dr.Gaster put him down using a skeleton hand but (Y/N) wasn't going down.Then Gaster used a giant skeleton hand, and squashed
(Y/N) into the ground.The hands disappeared and saw (Y/N) unconscious.The Royal Guards arrived and was about to kill (Y/N) but Gaster stopped them.He picked up (Y/N) and see him carry back
(Y/N) into his cell.We all followed him and see
(Y/N) injuries healing again..Dr.Gaster walked out and shut off the lights and locked down his cell.We hear some arguing but we ignored that and checked (Y/N).We didn't see him awake so we waited until he did.About three hours passed and he finally wakes up but..his eyes are still red.He look straight at us and jumped up and caught us in his hands.He stared at us with his red eyes without blinking..He eventually calmed down and see his red eyes fade away.But after that he finally talked...He said "Sorry" in our Spider language"

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