Chapter 149 Bringing Along

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<Some Soul Lemon at the beginning>

Your POV

*You laid on the couch until SF!Chara wakes up...right about now.
"(Y/N)?"SF!Chara looking at you
"Hah..Did we do something together?"SF!Chara
"You don't remember?"
"I remember that I was dreaming about doing it with you"SF!Chara
"Well it did happen and now we're on the couch resting"
*SF!Chara puts her right arm behind your back to hug

"Can you help me remember?"SF!Chara
"Chara I really can't spend this much love making with you"
"We're going to another universe"
"Ohh that part I remember"SF!Chara
"Do me a favor and don't nibble on my blood"
"But it tasted..very sweet"SF!Chara
"Let me taste it again"SF!Chara
"Can we get ready now?"
"So my mom,dad and Asriel are the only ones you're bringing?"SF!Chara
"...Maybe the Tem squad,Grillby and uhm..Frisk"
*SF!Chara went up to your face

"You know..I was gaining back my sense of self when we got on this couch..And I also heard some girl's voice..want to explain what was that about?"SF!Chara
"Being quiet when I'm questioning you means you did something that could piss me off.Now tell me or something else is gonna come off"
"Like my clothes?"
"(Chuckles~) No"SF!Chara said with a serious look
"I was playing around with Frisk-"
*SF!Chara holds a knife to your neck
"Playing with Frisk?Playing what exactly?"SF!Chara
"Her soul!"
"Her soul?"SF!Chara
"Yeah.Frisk tell her!"
*SF!Chara turns around and see SF!Frisk on the second floor trying to jump off the second floor.
"Don't do it Frisk"SF!Chara
*SF!Frisk jumps and you used blue magic to slow her fall.
"Thanks.Talk to you Later Chara!"SF!Frisk
"Broken Mirror!Come back here!"
*You held on to SF!Chara
"(Y/N) let go or I'm really gonna stab you"SF!Chara
"I don't mind"
"...Let go!"SF!Chara
*SF!Chara lays back to you with her knife near your throat
"What did you do?"SF!Chara
"I played with her soul"
"That's it?"SF!Chara
(She Doesn't remember)
"Did you forget?"
"I touched your soul remember"
"No I don't remember"SF!Chara
*You smiled
*You grabbed her hand and put it under your sweater and over your heart.
"W-What are you doing?"SF!Chara
"Sorry I just remember that my soul is different and that I almost died"
"Do you want to know?"
"Of course!Who almost killed you?!"SF!Chara
"Heh no one.I did it to myself to get someone off my chest"
"So tell me"SF!Chara
*You grabbed her other hand and put it under your sweater
"(Y/N) just-"SF!Chara
*You revealed your soul between you and SF!Chara's chest.
"Why is there-"SF!Chara
"That's yours and my other girls Determination.Theres a a hole because I split my soul"

"Want to know from the beginning?"
*You kissed her lips
"I miss your little comebacks"
"S-Shut up and talk"SF!Chara
*You told her everything that happened to your soul
*You're done with explaining your soul issue
"And now he's dead?"SF!Chara asking about Gaster
*SF!Chara kissed you
"So you owe me your life?"SF!Chara
"So you'll do whatever I want now?"SF!Chara
"(Chuckles)As long as it's reasonable"
"...I want to have sex and you coming inside of me"SF!Chara
"...Never mind"SF!Chara
"Just kiss me idiot"SF!Chara
*You kissed her and had a hot and long kissing session
*You broke off the kiss
"Chara you keep distracting me!"
"You are mine so shut up and kiss me!"SF!Chara blushing
*You teleported behind the couch and stood up
"Where do you think you're going?!"SF!Chara
"Not here"
*You headed for the door
"(Y/N) come to me now!"SF!Chara
*You turned around and see SF!Chara only wearing your black jacket with Horizontal red stripes..and only just the jacket..,You see her chest and stomach exposed and she's wearing red oddly design panties
"Now do you like what you see?"SF!Chara
*You walked back to SF!Chara

"Good boy"
*You pinned SF!Chara to the couch by holding down your shoulders
"You're making this leaving really difficult"
"We haven't been together for so long.What did you expect?"SF!Chara
"A sexually frustrated girlfriend who's been longing for me"
"And that's what's in front of you"SF!Chara
"I know..Now I can do two things to you"
"Tell me~"SF!Chara biting her lip
"I can do that punishment or we can have sex at my Universe and go all out"
"I just want you inside of me.I don't care which happens"
*You kissed her neck then her cheek
"Then let's do it at my home and on my bed"
*SF!Chara smiles
"But damn I want to do it right now"
"You can have a little taste if you want"SF!Chara
*You backed away and feel your chest.You feel your heart beating fast
"Everything ok?"SF!Chara
"I'm fine.You just make it harder every time you speak"
"(Chuckles)I'll go get my things"SF!Chara relaxing a bit
"Like what?"
"Ok..I'll get your mom and dad"
*You went to the kitchen and washed your face
*You dried yourself then teleported to the Dremurr Lab.
*You see only SF!Asgore here

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now