Chapter 97 Truth

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Your POV

*You're in front of a familiar purple doorway.You see SS!Chara sleeping against the purple doorway.

*You made a snowman and placed it in front of SS!Chara.You put two sticks to make the arms and created a little note.You teleported behind a tree and said...
*You see her wake up and see the snowman.She sees the note and reads it.You see her smile and looks around.She teleports....behind you.

"Hah that was a good joke.But I prefer if you tell it instead of your cool friend over there"SS!Chara
*You turned around
"I thought you should wake up to a nice joke"
"Well...Are you trying a new look?"SS!Chara
(Oh right)
<Your currently wearing a grey jacket with red stripes,smiling bandanna and black pants>
"Should I change?"
(Guess She doesn't like the look)

*You refresh your look.Your wearing your black jacket with red and blue stripes with a white shirt and black jeans.Your bandanna disappears but your red knife necklace is still under your shirt.

"Did you not like that look?"
" look like one of them"SS!Chara
"Well I was trying to not get attention.So do you want to know what I did or would like to go on a date?"
"Alright..Do you want walk home?"
*You offered your hand to SS!Chara..She accepts.

*You both got back on the path and continued walking on the path to Frosted Fields.

"Alright go on"SS!Chara
"Well that Universe was like yours but..more of a kill or be killed mindset"
"Did you get hurt?"SS!Chara
"Heh nah.Thanks for worrying.But alternate versions of you and your family was one heck of a trip"
"Are they bad people?"SS!Chara
"Mostly but only because they have to.Other monsters would see kindness or compassion as a weakness and they go after anyone if they see you as weak"
"Was it that bad?"SS!Chara
"Hey stop thinking that could happen to you"
"I'm not"SS!Chara
"Then what are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking if you help them"SS!Chara
"Well helping them was impossible.If their Monsters would be set free they would cause another war.If I leave them alone, eventually the monsters would inevitably kill on another"
"So what did you do?"SS!Chara
"Their Asriel wanted me to save his family.So I did.I made a..squad of Temmies to protect them"
"Temmies?Their practically harmless"SS!Chara
"Well not in that Universe apparently"
"Your doing it again"
"I'm just thinking how did that Underground become in such state"SS!Chara
"King Sans said supplies were low.So they fought for supplies to survive"
"You talk to the King again?!"SS!Chara

"Yeah..He's pretty similar.But more powerful"
"And you didn't get hurt?"SS!Chara
"I'm fine..and that's about it.Except their Frisk reset before I got their"
"You don't like it happening right?"
"No..I hate it.I don't like revisiting the past over and over again because of their curiosity"SS!Chara
"But she stopped right?"
"Yeah..she met King Sans the other day and..Well, a you can say it stemmed into another problem"SS!Chara
"...Is it that flower?"
"You know that thing?"SS!Chara
"Yeah it tried to keep me from ending a fight by destroying my battle options"
"It can do that?!"SS!Chara
"Yup..Wait what happened did it hurt you?!"
"Nope..We just got "wrapped up" in a "tight" situation"SS!Chara
"It tied you up?!"
"With it's giant roots.It almost killed us but Frisk saved our lives"SS!Chara
"Is It still alive?"
"I don't know.Frisk said it just vanished"SS!Chara
"I'm thinking of burning it the next time I see it"
"You don't have to"SS!Chara
"Chara you said you almost died.You think I'll be calm after you say that"
"Well I'm ok"SS!Chara
"I know.But that doesn't mean I'm ok with it"
"(Y/N) relax.If I say to not to worry about it,then don't worry"SS!Chara
"I'll always worry about you"
"Hah I know you do"SS!Chara

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now