Chapter 62 Greetings

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Your POV

*You and Chara slowly walked back
"Welp this isn't the appropriate time-"
"(Y/N)?"Alternate Asriel
(Time to leave)
*You made a Gaster Palm over you and Chara
"Sorry for the sudden visit"

*Your back at the entrance at Waterfall
"I think our first impression went well"
"Why did we leave?"Frisk
"Because explaining who we are and to people with shock expressions might not be a good idea.Just letting them know we're here is good enough"
"But Asriel called you"Chara
"Yeah but I felt sadness when he saw me.And Undyne was kinda getting ready to fight so I'm not staying for another moment"
"Their Undyne and Asriel looks a bit younger"Frisk
"It's Different Universe, so they don't have to be exactly the same"
"But did you see your Alternate selves?They're expressions was hilarious"
"Be quiet"Chara
"Heh alright let's eat at Grilby's again"
"Do you want sweaters or jackets?"
"Both"Frisk and Chara
"Heh ok"You said and made new black sweaters,same style for Frisk and Chara, and black jackets.
"Guess I'll change too"you said and made a replica white jacket.
"Hey It has the heart still!"Chara
"You don't like?"
"..Never mind.The jacket is covering it anyways"Chara
"Then let's go"you said and walked towards Grillby's

*You all went inside Grillby's and see Sans again

"Still here Sans?"
"(Y/N) your back"Sans
(I didn't say my name...Frisk said the first time we ate here)
*You and your humans sat down
"Hey so I got a question"
"We went to the Lab in Hotland and we saw something interesting"
"oh yeah? like what?"Sans
"Uhm we ran into a couple of...alternate versions of my humans"
"oh so you finally met them"Sans
"(Sigh)So you knew"
"knew what?"Sans
"That we're not from here"
"well of course. if i did, i would've ask you myself"Sans
"Ah right.So do you also know a skeleton name Ink?"
"ink? no i couldn't say i do"Sans

"(Sigh) I see."
"what's wrong bud?"Sans
"Well that idiot left us here and now I'm tempted track him down and kick his ass"
"heh so you're stuck here"Sans
"that's sucks kiddo"Sans
"I know.Maybe I could go to the King"
"i wouldn't talk to him.he had news that his son and daughter finally returned home.he's a bit occupied at the moment"Sans
(But Asriel was in..)
"Alright.I guess I'll just walk past him"
"...are you-"Sans
*Grillby walks out

"Oh a "paying" costumer.What can I get you?"Grillby
"Oh if you don't mind can I use your kitchen?"
"What for?I can cook it for ya"Grillby
"Well you only have two dishes here so I was wondering I could use your kitchen to feed these two"
"Why can't you cook at home?"Grillby
"..uhm..We don't have a home"
"..I see.Well then.Go right ahead but you can't use my ingredients"Grillby
"What if I bought them from you?"
"Hmm I guess that works"Grillby
"Chara..Frisk stay here"
"We know"Frisk
"I want something CHOCOLATE"Chara
"I know"you said and walked inside the kitchen

"So what are you gonna make?"Grillby

San's POV

"Hey Sans whats the Kingdom like?"Frisk
"don't know.i never really live there"
"Then who owns that lodge?"Chara
"oh me and my brother lives in that house"
"something wrong?"
"No it's just that we used to live a house like yours"Frisk
"oh i see.welp you can always visit me or my brother anytime"i said getting off my seat
"yep"i said walking out

*My phone rings
"Sans!Three more humans fell to the Underground!"Undyne
"oh where are they?"
"I don't know!They suddenly disappeared with a giant skeleton hand!"Undyne
"i heard you.i call back when i found them"

*Phone call ended
(this is too much work for one skeleton.i'll let papyrus check them out.they seem harmless.but that monster...reminds me of someone i should know)
*I went back home

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now