Chapter 23 Determined

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*Meanwhile back at Waterfall
*Chara and Undyne is currently having a rematch

Chara's POV

*Undyne forces you into a corner
"Wait stop this isn't working out!"I said
*Undyne continues her attack but was blocked by Frisk's red Shields

"(Sighs in relief)Thanks Frisk"I said
"No problem"Frisk said while giving a thumbs up
"Uughh why did you quit.You could have easily dodge those spears and taken me ou-"Undyne
"Undyne just stop!..She's just tired.Im surprised she even lasted this long"Frisk
"Hey what's that supposed to mean"
"I mean your just not the active person type."Frisk
"And what your saying is?"
"Your never motivated to do anything unless you have to or want to"Frisk
"Maybe I just need to do it"I said and stared blankly at the cave ceiling

"Well let's go again tomorrow"Frisk said holding out her hand to me
"Yeah sure"I said and got back up
"Let's head to the yellow light"Frisk
"What for?"
"To SAVE our progress of course.I've been thinking every time we die we always come back to the area where we touched the yellow light"Frisk
"So what you're saying is that if we touch the yellow lights we won't have to do this damn training again?"I replied
"Yup.Unless you want to do it again and beat Undyne on the first try?"Frisk
"Alright let's go.I ain't doing that much work again"
*You headed to the yellow light near Undyne's house


*You see something near the blue river
*It looks like it's coming closer.Then it stops
"Um Frisk do you see what I see?"
"Hm where?"Frisk
*You see a purple light glow in the distance
"Huh yeah I do"Frisk
*A stream of light was coming at your way.You grabbed Frisk and dodged to the right hitting the ground.
"Ugh..what the heck was that?!"Frisk
"I don't know but another one is coming again.Get up and run!"
*Another beam of light almost hits you and Frisk
"We need to go back to Undyne for support!"I said
*You try to warn and dodge the incoming light beams until you finally reached back to Undyne

"Oh you punks want another match.Alri-"Undyne
*A light beam hits her Fish looking house
"Undyne help!"Frisk
"Something is trying to kill us!"I said
*The purple light grew closer and closer
*Finally your looking at what looks like a robot or cyborg with odd hair,a heart in his chest and wearing purple boots.
"I refuse to FIGHT this thing"I said
"Oh so this "thing" wants a FIGHT does it."Undyne
*Undyne summons a spear in her hand
"Hey punk what's your name so I can write on your grave when I'm through with you"Undyne
*The robot didn't respond with words.Instead responded by pointing its light cannon at Frisk
*Undyne summons spears to block the beam
"Hey you two get out of here while I take him out"
"But we can help!"I said
"Your ain't even close to be ready to FIGHT much less help.Now move it!"Undyne
*The robot change his angle and targets me
"Hurry up punk!Your only getting in the way"Undyne
*Undyne attacks the robot and rushes with a fury of white spears
*The robot is holding its ground and shooting down all incoming spears

(No this just feels like back then in that Lab.I don't want feel helpless.I don't want to be the one getting in other people's way!)
"Chara lets leave and go to-"Frisk
"And go where?!Undyne might die and its gonna be our fault again!"I yelled
*You Equipped the training spear
"Let's show this hunk of junk that we're not some helpless humans!"I said
*Frisk sighed and picks up a training spear as well
"You know this won't do damage right?"Frisk
"I know but at least we can lift of the pressure from Undyne"I replied
*You and Frisk ran up to the robot and gave support to Undyne

*You hit the robot's blaster and Frisk aims for the heart in his chest
*No effect
"What are you two doing?!I told you to leave!"Undyne
"Not happening.And like you said you got to be ready for the unexpected"I said
"Yeah and I'm just "beaming" with FIGHTing spirit right now"Frisk said
"Ugh you two are unbearable.Whatever if it shoots you.Im throwing you out of here"
"Man Undyne you should "lighten" up a little"Frisk
"I'm seriously gonna throw you if you say one more pun"Undyne
*The robot looks like it's glitching out
<Must be from Frisk's bad puns.Or I guess...mine>

*Then it's left arm turned into a...CHAINSAW?!
"What the hell is this thing.Who would put a chainsaw in a robot?!I said
"Well change of plans.You two can't get close to him now"Undyne
*Undyne summons a wall of blue spears to block the robots approach
*Its now trying to cut the spears with its chainsaw
"Now hurry up and leave!"Undyne
"But why just because he has a little chainsaw dosent' mean we're quitting"I said
"Then how do you suppose to hit it, if you can't even get close"Undyne
"We'll throw our spears"Frisk
"And your gonna fight with what?"Undyne
"..."Me and Frisk
"See now you two leave or-"Undyne
*The robot finally cut down a section of the wall of blue spears and trying to step over
"Damn it just give me a Minute"Undyne
*Undyne throws a white spear and pushing back the robot
"Shoot now this thing is too close.Hurry up and get inside the house."
"Bu-"I said
*Undyne picks up you and Frisk and roughly entered the house
"So now what?"I asked
"You two stay here an-"Undyne
*The front door blew up and Undyne was sent flying to her kitchen counter with rubble coming falling after her.
"UNDYNE!"me and Frisk
*You see Undyne unconscious on the floor
"Chara I think we got bigger problems"Frisk
*The robot walked inside and pointed its beam cannon at us
"Frisk you think you can handle this?!"I asked
"One way to find out"Frisk
*The robot fires at us but was blocked by Frisk's red Shields
"Nice one Frisk"I said
*The robot is not stopping its beam of light
"How long is thing is gonna fire at us?!"I said
"I don't know but I can't hold on for too long"Frisk
*The robot got closer to the red shields and slams its chainsaw arm into it.
"Frisk?!"I said
"Yeah I got it...but now...I don't think I can last a minute more"Frisk
*The beam is now ricocheting all around the house
(Damn the situation is getting worse by the second.I need to get Frisk out of here.But what about Undyne?How can I get her out of this place?")
"Chara!"Frisk called out
*The red shields are starting to crack
(Shoot theres no time to think.I need to destroy that robot.I have to destroy that robot!In order to to SAVE everyone!)

*Your passion to destroy the robot to SAVE everyone fills your soul with...DETERMINATION.

(This must what Frisk felt from before)
"Chara its breaking through!"Frisk
*Frisks red shields were shattered and the beam pass through coming for Frisk
*You blocked the beams with your Red Knives
"Waoh Chara you-"Frisk
*The robot stop firing and swings its chainsaw arm at you.You blocked it with your Red Knives and you pushed the chainsaw backwards.
*You then cut off the light beam cannon and kicked the robot in its chest heart.
*The robot lost its sense of balance and fell on its back.You then ran up to it cutting of its chainsaw arm off.
*The robot tries to get up but fails and is struggling to do it anyways
*You then plunged your knife into its chest and the robot finally stops moving.The purple light in his eyes faded away.
"Chara!"Frisk said
"You finally used magic!"Frisk said while giving me a hug
"Hah yeah.Now let's get Undyne out of this place"I said
"Yeah this looks like it's about to fall apart"Frisk
*You and Frisk picked up Undyne and support her on your shoulders and walked out of the crumbling

*Some time later

" head"Undyne
"Hey Undyne, how are you feeling?"Frisk
"Don't worry I took care of it"I said
"Wait what do you mean?!You two defeated that thing on your own?!"Undyne
"Yup"You and Frisk
"But mostly Chara I only blocked its attacks"Frisk
"Nah don't sell yourself short.If it weren't for you we would be vaporized a long time ago"I replied
"I still can't believe you two managed to beat it"Undyne said as she got up
"Why is that?"Frisk asked
"Because I threw everything I got at it!That thing isn't made from weak material."Undyne
"I wonder who could have ma-"Frisk

*They turned around to see who yelled that

Next time

<I just realized how much I make people go unconscious and cutting people off when they're talking a lot.....That's definitely not gonna change in the future>

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now