Chapter 26 Story

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Undyne's POV

*You hear the front door open
"Oh Hello Darlings"you heard in the front door
*You looked to see who it is.It looks like a Ghost
(Oh my Asgore No)

"What are you doing here Happstablook?"
"Oh Darling I'm Here Because Of (Y/N) But I See He's-Oh My Who Are You Two?"Happstablook
"These are the humans that fell recently and (Y/N) is not here so you can leave"
"Oh No Need For Rudeness.I Need To Make These Humans Tell Me Their Story First.Im Sure The Rest Of The Underground is Dying To Know"Happstablook
*You hear Frisk and Asriel chuckle
"(Sigh)You can, if they say yes"
*You gave a serious look at Frisk and Chara
"Umm...sorry maybe later"Frisk
"Yeah and we're a bit tired today"Chara
"See.They're aren't interested so you can go back to Waterfall or something"
"Ahh Darn.How About We Schedule An Appointment?Then Blooky Would Record To The Whole Underground."Happstablook
"Hey they said no.Now-"
"Oh Please Darling Your Not Getting Rid Of Me That Easily.This Story Is So Juicy The Audience Would Want More."Happstablook
"(Sigh)Frisk..Chara just convince this guy-Hey Happstablook how about you go to Grilby's?(Y/N) is their and you said you're looking for him"
"Ugh Gross I'm Not Going Near That Greasy Diner"
"I also heard that place is so crowded that Monsters are getting bored of waiting in line"
"...Then If You'll Excuse Me Darlings I'll be On My Way."Happstablook said and closed the door
"Out Of My Way I'm Gonna Give Those Monsters Another Reason To Drool Over At That Greasy Diner!"

"Thank Asgore... I thought he would never leave"
"Um Undyne I know this is too late to ask but who was that?"Frisk
"That was Happstablook the most eccentric monster in the Underground"
"A Ghost is also a monster?Chara
"Yup but they are also very few of them"
"So can we continue that story?"Asriel
"Oh yeah"
"Where did I leave off?"
"Um the part when (Y/N) escapes to see anime"Frisk
"Yeah ok.So eventually Gaster let him out when it's only me and Alphys in the Lab.He never talked but me and Alphys always started to make conversation and finally he started to communicate.Not talking but giving these weird hand signs.We told Gaster about this and was astonished that he could do that"
"Why is that?"Chara
"Well it's because no one taught him.He completely learned it by watching.The words that damn punk tried to say was to "Shut up I'm trying to watch"
*Asriel,Chara and Frisk laughed
"Yeah that punk made me mad but Alphys was too kind to him to let him stay with us after that"
"But when does he finally talk and express his emotions?"Frisk

*You tell them what happened in the past
<All of this in Undyne's POV because it flows better>

*Your at Waterfall,near the Dump

*You checked out what the hell is going on
"Hey what's happening here?!"I yelled
*You see Monsters running at someone and being blown away hitting the piles of trash
*You got closer it was (Y/N) But he was covered in wounds and bruises all over.He look liked he walked through hell
"(Y/N) what are you doing?!"I asked
*He didn't respond he only had Red Glowing Eyes
"Hey how about we go back to the Lab an-"
*He set his sights on you
"Hey it's me..Undyne you remember me.You know me.How about we just get out of this place"I said offering my hand to (Y/N)
*He got closer...then closer
*His faced was covered in tears.Then his eyes stopped glowing red and he accepted your offer

*After that I carried him to Gerson to get him some healing items
"What wrong?!Oh I see hold right there"Gerson
*Gerson came back with some Crab Apples and Sea Tea.(Y/N) ate them and layed down for a bit
"So what happened?"Gerson
"I don't know I saw him fighting off some Monsters and...saw him like that"
"Oh boy.Monsters these days don't understand this would accomplish nothing!"Gerson
*(Y/N) started to get up again
"Hey (Y/N) just lay down and rest."
"Your wounds may have healed but-"Gerson
*(Y/N) got scared and moved back making him hit his head against the cave wall
*He hold his scream back and lean his back on the cave walls
"I told you to lay back down!And this is just my friend, he's not like the others"I tried to calm him
"The boy must have been through a lot if he got scared of old man like me"Gerson
"Yeah...that's what I've been thinking"
*You see him getting up again
"Hey just-"
*His eyes started to glow red again and crying again
"Hey just sit here and be calm.We're all friends here.No one is gonna hurt you"I said
"Boy if you're gonna keep on getting up your mental health will become worse if you don't rest"Gerson
*He looked at Gerson.Gerson didn't even flinch
*He lied back down and appeared to be trying to sleep
"Thanks Gerson"
"No need to thank me.Your the one who saved this man"Gerson
"Man?"I asked
"He received such wounds so young in his life and walked it off.Theres no other word I would describe him"Gerson
*After a while he woke up with his red eyes gone.Then we headed back to the Lab and gave him to Gaster.Gaster of course was worried but was glad he was safe.But when I was about to leave (Y/N) said
"Thank you".Everyone was surprised he actually said something.Gaster wanted the details of what happened and kept pestering me for any more.After that he wanted me to "observe" him.

*End of telling Flashback

Chara's POV

"But I'm sure he wanted me to take care of (Y/N) so he can communicate more"Undyne
*You hear someone sniffling
*It was Asriel and Frisk
"Um you guys ok?"Undyne asked
"Yeah just(blows into a tissue) just continue"Asriel
"Nah that's the end of my story"Undyne
"But why does his eye glow red even though his eye color is different?"I asked
"I don't know either.I guess you have to ask him yourself"Undyne replied
"But anyways you guys should go to bed.I'm sure (Y/N) will be mad if you're up this late."Undyne
"Aww"Frisk and Asriel
"Heh don't worry you got a lot of time.You'll know all about him if you just wait.Later punks I'm heading back home"Undyne said as she walked out

*Some time later in the bedroom

"So can you guys sleep"Asriel
"Of course not!I want to know more!"I replied
"Yeah same"Asriel
"Asriel you don't get a say in this.You've been with (Y/N) the longest and didn't even know about his struggles."
"Because he doesn't like me bringing it up!He always changes the subject!"
"Yeah yeah that's an excuse."I replied
"You try asking him and see if he likes to tell you"
"..."I said
"Wait are you actually gonna do it"Frisk
"Yes"I replied
"Well don't!He might never talk again!"Asriel
"Calm down Asriel I'm sure he won't do that"Frisk
(I hope so)
"Just go to sleep already"I said

*Meanwhile at Grilby's

*The place is more crowded than ever because of...
"You Can Stop Me From Shining Darling!Am I Right My Lovely Audience"
"YEAH!"Crowd of Monsters
"How do you do that floating thing?!"Random Monster
"AAAAAAHHHH"(Y/N) is not having a good time

*Grilby's diner is booming with gold

Next time

<I don't know if that flashback is a worth a tear.Might change it later if you don't get the feels>

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now